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After a clear vote against the EU..they want to put council tax up!

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Oh wait, no! We should listen to Eastbank and detheridge02 and clinteastwoo and Ousetunes and all the other predictable Daily Mail readers because they have clearly got far more understanding of the UK economy than the European Commission has.


I'm that predictable that I haven't spent a penny on the tat that papers spout in years.


So tzijlstra you think it's perfectly acceptable to be sending billions of tax payers money to other countries when this county is in such a mess? You feel it's alright to now be told to raise our council taxes by Brussels, be told how many people we MUST accept into this country and told that we must raise our financial contribution to the EU yet again this year. It's ok that hospitals are understaffed and underinvested, police forces cut back, the entrepreneurs taxed out of living in the UK, households having to pay increasing council tax whilst having the services that the council tax pays for cut back by the councils (fortnightly dustbin collection, poor management of green spaces or the paving over of green spaces to save money)? Schools being merged with ever increasing class numbers, falling grades and lack of 1 on 1 assessments and development programs.


You really think this is acceptable in this day and age? This country used to be a world leader, now it's nothing more than a money cow to the EU to bail out other countries. We sold out because of successive governments. We lost our industry and coal fields to cheaper EU countries when we should have protected and invested in our own industry and prevent the massive job losses that have partly led to the social problems experienced in old mining and steel towns.


If I'm a Daily Mail reader I assume you, tzijlstra, must be sat in your 1st class seat on the way to London reading the Times oblivious to the rising dissent building in this country against the EU?

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I'm that predictable that I haven't spent a penny on the tat that papers spout in years.


So tzijlstra you think it's perfectly acceptable to be sending billions of tax payers money to other countries when this county is in such a mess?


Considering what we get back for it, yes.


You feel it's alright to now be told to raise our council taxes by Brussels, be told how many people we MUST accept into this country


We aren't being told to raise our council taxes, there is an advice to increase taxation of the wealthiest home owners in an effort to stop the bubble in the housing market.


Regarding the people coming to this country, there are as many Brits living and working in the EU as there are EU citizens living and working in the UK.


and told that we must raise our financial contribution to the EU yet again this year.


Where does it say that?


It's ok that hospitals are understaffed and underinvested, police forces cut back,


Hence the advice to tax the richest home-owners more. Note, ADVICE.


the entrepreneurs taxed out of living in the UK,


Funny, because under this government the UK has turned from a non-investment area into one that attracts business. And is that EU policy?


households having to pay increasing council tax


When is the last time Sheffield raised council tax? And is that EU policy?


whilst having the services that the council tax pays for cut back by the councils (fortnightly dustbin collection, poor management of green spaces or the paving over of green spaces to save money)?


Is that EU policy?


Schools being merged with ever increasing class numbers,


Is that EU policy?


falling grades and lack of 1 on 1 assessments and development programs.


Is that EU policy? Also apprenticeships have doubled, grades are falling because finally the eternal increase in grades has been kerbed and I don't know what you mean with 1 on 1 assessments and development programs, but I do know that schools have far more support staff now than they ever did before.


You really think this is acceptable in this day and age? This country used to be a world leader, now it's nothing more than a money cow to the EU to bail out other countries.


This country is part of a Union that is THE world leader, for 11/670 million of the annual UK budget. Not a bad deal.



We sold out because of successive governments.


None of which is anything to do with the EU.


We lost our industry and coal fields to cheaper EU countries when we should have protected and invested in our own industry and prevent the massive job losses that have partly led to the social problems experienced in old mining and steel towns.


Chestnut, old. If you want a massive economic wall around your house I assume you don't own a foreign car, TV, phone, computer, bedding, clothes, etc. etc. and you never eat anything but British grown food?


If I'm a Daily Mail reader I assume you, tzijlstra, must be sat in your 1st class seat on the way to London reading the Times


Why would I be in a 1st class seat, obviously I drive a Rolls-Royce Phantom, sorry, that would be my driver that drives.


oblivious to the rising dissent building in this country against the EU?


No, I am not oblivious to it, that is why I am posting here, to present some simple truth, something that the Daily Mail doesn't provide, yet all you have said here echoes the typical anti-EU rhetoric: uninformed, prejudiced and based on a host of lies. You'll be asking when the last time was the EU signed off its accounts next.

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Lord Turner, former head of the Financial Services Authority, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that some "legitimate issues" had been raised about tax on housing.

"I'm amazed how little I pay on my house in Kensington compared with what somebody pays with a house worth a very small fraction of that in the north of England," he said. "I'm not sure that is a fair system."



Don't listen to what the EU says,or Lord Turner for that matter ,who is saying the same thing.............just keep disagreeing with it because it's the EU that said it,and pretend that they said to put up all council taxes and not the ones on the more expensive houses..........your friendly UK government will be pleased that you blame the EU while they keep charging the man on the street unfair council taxes compared to what Lord Turner pays.

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I'm that predictable that I haven't spent a penny on the tat that papers spout in years.


So tzijlstra you think it's perfectly acceptable to be sending billions of tax payers money to other countries when this county is in such a mess? You feel it's alright to now be told to raise our council taxes by Brussels, be told how many people we MUST accept into this country and told that we must raise our financial contribution to the EU yet again this year. It's ok that hospitals are understaffed and underinvested, police forces cut back, the entrepreneurs taxed out of living in the UK, households having to pay increasing council tax whilst having the services that the council tax pays for cut back by the councils (fortnightly dustbin collection, poor management of green spaces or the paving over of green spaces to save money)? Schools being merged with ever increasing class numbers, falling grades and lack of 1 on 1 assessments and development programs.


You really think this is acceptable in this day and age? This country used to be a world leader, now it's nothing more than a money cow to the EU to bail out other countries. We sold out because of successive governments. We lost our industry and coal fields to cheaper EU countries when we should have protected and invested in our own industry and prevent the massive job losses that have partly led to the social problems experienced in old mining and steel towns.


If I'm a Daily Mail reader I assume you, tzijlstra, must be sat in your 1st class seat on the way to London reading the Times oblivious to the rising dissent building in this country against the EU?



Now let's have a look at what the CBI thinks:






Oh look,they just think it's worth 62-78 BILLION net to the UK to be in the EU,let's see what that figure becomes after the out vote becomes a reality,never mind..............whatever it is it'll be worth it to keep a few Roma out of the country

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And just how much of that 'income' stays in the UK? Toyota openly admit that the only reason they have a factory near Derby is lower costs of sales to the EU. Their income goes back to Japan.


So what did we do pre-1973?


Their income might, but that of all the suppliers that live off these factories in the midlands doesn't, nor does the income of the thousands of workers they employ.

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Ah the usual one-liners about the EU doing the rounds again. If you can't see the link behind the EU's advice and this news, than please don't even bother commenting.


Oh wait, no! We should listen to Eastbank and detheridge02 and clinteastwoo and Ousetunes and all the other predictable Daily Mail readers because they have clearly got far more understanding of the UK economy than the European Commission has.


Right after the general election the government will pull the Help to Buy scheme, raise interest rates and try and slow down the housing market with all they can because they know that the bubble is growing too fast. They also know that this exact bubble is responsible for the increase in the UK economy and that once again the UK is bubbling along on hot air.


And if they could just get away with it, they will blame the EU, because that is the easiest way of avoiding any responsibility. Except that this 'news' is advice and only the Brits manage to get worked up about it.


don't and never read daily mail....just don't care for freeloaders trying to get into blighty...bulldoze every camp in calais...stop the africans flooding into italy, greece and spain...what's wrong with that.....

suppose you would let everybody in...give them what ever they wanted...and we'd be one big happy family....:hihi::hihi:

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don't and never read daily mail....just don't care for freeloaders trying to get into blighty...bulldoze every camp in calais...stop the africans flooding into italy, greece and spain...what's wrong with that.....

suppose you would let everybody in...give them what ever they wanted...and we'd be one big happy family....:hihi::hihi:


Nothing wrong with wanting that eastbank, if you want respect for that narrow minded opinion though, a few facts might be in order to back your oneliners up.

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