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The Netherthorpe Fawcett Street Parking Scheme scam

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They don't represent - I recently asked one to vote a particular way - they didn't, when I asked for the statistical data that allowed them to vote contrary to my requests (i.e. if the majority of their constituent had asked them to vote for the alternative - I would have been quite happy) I was told - we don't have time to collate those statistics.



From which I can only assume, they vote as THEY want to...


Not a bit about reflecting their constituents...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know, all council parking services treat motorists with condemnation as they're cash-cows to milk by fudging consultations and creating parking violations, corruption and fraud has become standard practise which makes it too easy and lucrative for them.


Some good news though folks, I’ve heard they’ve had a mole and C5 are making a documentary about parking corruption.

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I attended two of the meeting's in 2012. We were shown a map of the proposed parking scheme. the lady who was in charge at the time had inherited the scheme. It then turns out that another person had taken over the scheme and another.


We were then told that the scheme had been scrapped because there wasn't enough interest from the tenants. I was then told that the scheme would be enforced by the end of last year because the tenant's in Netherthorpe had had enough of the student's parking on all over the place. ( the councillors words not mine.)


it seems to me that the tenant's of Netherthorpe need to speak to their councillor N. Gibson and arrange a meeting to find out what is going on.

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These bits would make me laugh if it didn't make me so angry.....


"Managing kerbside parking in residential streets to ensure convenient,

safe access to premises contributes to creating ‘great places to live’ and

‘safe and secure communities’."


"The primary aim of the proposals is to help residents and their visitors to be able to park close to their homes."


If that is the councils aim, then I think someone should tell their planning department. There's a hostel currently being built in Handsworth by Keepmoat for Sanctuary Housing. After Sheffield City Council giving the land away to Sanctuary in a closed meeting (a whole other story), they've allowed them to build right up to the edge of the boundary line.


This has left Keepmoat with absolutely nowhere on the actual site to unload delivery vehicles. So instead, they park in the middle of the (narrow) road, and completely block the road until they've finished unloading. Nothing can get up and down the road. Nothing at all.


I've had missed shopping orders, missed deliveries..... I recently ordered new laminate floor and the delivery van couldn't access the road because it was blocked by a Keepmoat delivery vehicle. The floor was dropped off on the next road along, and I had to get a friend to help me carry it round to my road.


Despite going through a lengthy complaints process with the council, they just basically shrugged their shoulders and said there was nothing they could do. The Highways Department said that because Keepmoat haven't applied for a traffic regulation order, each and every time they close / block the road for deliveries to be made, they're unlawful road closures. But Highways said there was nothing they could do, and I'd have to ring the police if they closed the road. (If I did this, I'd be ringing the police 4 or 5 times a day. I'm sure that would go down well)


Sorry for rambling on, it just really annoys me when the council come off with such rubbish about ensuring safe and convenient access, yet their own Planning Department knew that this building scheme would have no choice but to block the road every day for deliveries, yet did nothing about it.


But, it should come as no surprise, as the hostel is a joint venture between Sanctuary and the council. They wanted it as large as possible, with as many rooms as possible, leaving no site access whilst the building work is going on.


Oh, and to top it all off, the hostel will have 20 self contained apartments in it. And the hostel will be staffed Monday to Friday. How many car parking spaces did planning recommend? 6.


You ought to put all this across to an MP, don't bother with a Labour one, I'd contact Nick Clegg about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, it seems that this has finally been implemented :-(


A few weeks ago delimiting lines were painted on the streets and today there were "parking permit" signs in almost all the allocated spaces.


I was a user of this area as I work at the university. Currently looking for a driveway to rent around the arts tower, I am willing to pay :-).


It is going to be simply impossible to park anywhere when the students come back. This is not fair.



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So, it seems that this has finally been implemented :-(


A few weeks ago delimiting lines were painted on the streets and today there were "parking permit" signs in almost all the allocated spaces.


I was a user of this area as I work at the university. Currently looking for a driveway to rent around the arts tower, I am willing to pay :-).


It is going to be simply impossible to park anywhere when the students come back. This is not fair.




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So, it seems that this has finally been implemented :-(


A few weeks ago delimiting lines were painted on the streets and today there were "parking permit" signs in almost all the allocated spaces.


I was a user of this area as I work at the university. Currently looking for a driveway to rent around the arts tower, I am willing to pay :-).


It is going to be simply impossible to park anywhere when the students come back. This is not fair.




There is already nowhere to park in or around the hospitals and uni!


Look at Millhouses Park too, 80p for the car park now. Totally empty, while the side roads are now packed with cars avoiding the fee.

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But if you read the first post, it appears that parking isn't a big issue there, so why not let people carry on parking where they want to? Answer: just so they can charge people to park there instead.

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So, it seems that this has finally been implemented :-(


A few weeks ago delimiting lines were painted on the streets and today there were "parking permit" signs in almost all the allocated spaces.


I was a user of this area as I work at the university. Currently looking for a driveway to rent around the arts tower, I am willing to pay :-).


It is going to be simply impossible to park anywhere when the students come back. This is not fair.




The signs are up, but no cars seemed to be displaying residents permits, so I'm not sure it's actually in force yet (I hope not anyway!).


I also work for the university and have recently paid for a category B permit. On several occasions I have driven around pretty much every one of the 'B' car parks at around 8.45am, which is the earliest I can get to work after I've dropped my kids off. Every one of them has been full, so I have ended up back at Netherthorpe. Given that public transport is not an option as my kids childcare is not on a suitable bus route, I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do from now on (aside from lose a significant chunk of my working day).


I think there is a serious issue in the university charging staff for parking, then having insufficient provision. This is only going to get worse when the Durham Road car park closes in the near future.

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What gets me is they do all this Parking Permit thing but people do need to park somewhere if they carry on no one will be able to park anywhere in Sheffield so you may as well get rid of your car. If they don't want people parking in certain areas they should provide suitable reasonably priced Car Parks instead.

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