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Skateboarders. Good or Evil?

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as far as I concerned they have as much right to use the streets as we all do, ok some push it a little in busy shopping areas, but so do alot of people, take them mobility scooters, they are normally ok, then a old biddy that doesn't give a monkeys tears through at top speed with out a thought to others

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They are fine so long as they skate in appropriate places and do not damage property. I'd rather see skateboarders than chavs hanging around with their trousers tucked into their socks trying to look "hard"...

I also have to agree about the leathal, badly driven weapon known as the mobility scooter. Have you ever felt the weight of those things??

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Too right theyre bloody annoying ...

... I live on a nice little street and they lower the tone hanging around in their baggy clothes and their long scruffy hair.


I don't skate but if I thought the sight of some my baggier clothing and undeniably long hair might be enough to annoy someone I'd make a point of walking down their street as frequently as was convenient to me. :) Trouble is, I may go unnoticed as I tend to move quietly. ;)

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However, certain sections of the community claim that they are a menace to society. Nothing more than trouble causers who take drugs, graffiti on public property and are a general nuisance.

What's your view?


My view is that that is absolutely hilarious!


And skating is awesome. If you can tell me of a way that's more fun to get around in good old hilly Sheffield, then I might reconsider my position (having said that, I'm getting to the stage where I'm too embarrassed to skate because of my age). Sometimes I even used to combine Skateboarding and drug taking at the same time! good times.

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