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Skateboarders. Good or Evil?

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As skateboarding becomes an ever increasingly popular past-time, Sheffield appears to be split over the intentions of those who choose it as a Hobby. The skateboarders themselves claim it not to be just a hobby, but more of a lifestyle, and that they are nothing more than just groups of friends with a common interest, hanging out and doing no harm. However, certain sections of the community claim that they are a menace to society. Nothing more than trouble causers who take drugs, graffiti on public property and are a general nuisance.

What's your view?




Old men with tales of "When I were int war".


Curtain twitchers


People who generally don't enjoy life, or have one.


Self inflicted unhealthy envious people.


People who talk at you rather than to you.


People who would define scateboarding as "Good or evil". :huh:

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As skateboarding becomes an ever increasingly popular past-time, Sheffield appears to be split over the intentions of those who choose it as a Hobby. The skateboarders themselves claim it not to be just a hobby, but more of a lifestyle, and that they are nothing more than just groups of friends with a common interest, hanging out and doing no harm. However, certain sections of the community claim that they are a menace to society. Nothing more than trouble causers who take drugs, graffiti on public property and are a general nuisance.

What's your view?


I remember the "end of an era" at the bottom of London Road and even worked in Boat World, so I have to support boarders!


However, there was a criminal, drug taking and graffiti element, but there is with virtually every culture I know of (a few exceptions which do equivalent).


Also, skaters in crowded areas annoy people, just as do cyclists and runners. Some will also complain about the damage to urban architecture, e.g. grinds on edges...


But, it was probably skating which developed my passion for design and architecture, and even physics!

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I remember the "end of an era" at the bottom of London Road and even worked in Boat World, so I have to support boarders!



Bet the boarders are feeling all warm and fuzzy now. Just think of the calamity if you hadn't.


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Can I just say does anyone reaise how much skateboarding gear costs?? When you go into a specialised shop and realise the expense in skateboarding you will realise how seriously they take it and that it is a hobby. I use to know someone and he was 18 and used to go skateboarding with his mates he was sick of being steroetyoed and he was decent and one of his skateboarding mates was at uni and the other was an architect..and its at least 70.00 just for a pair of skate shoes so when people see them don`t always think the worst because its just their passion :)

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