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Costa Gruppen Information Needed!

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I was wondering if anyone had any information or know of a multinational group called Costa Gruppen. Apparently they have offices in London, Spain and Sweden, but yet I can't seem to locate any of the offices?


The reason I asked is I recently attended an interview there and I can honestly say it left me a little confused. Apparently a new office is due to open in Sheffield this summer and they are recruiting a whole new team. I have tried searching for reviews of this company and have come up with nothing and for a company running for so many years I would of thought there would be something, but there only appears to be their basic website.


If anyone has any infortmation or can even be more successful finding out information about the company I would be grateful!



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Looking around on the internet it seems that everyone gets offered a job even if they have no quantification, the job seems to be dependent on taking a very expensive course with them.

Found on a Swedish forum and computer translated.


"They offer a "project management course" for almost 15,000 pounds and claimed to be offered a position with them after they have passed it. They say they also constantly be on the lookout for new talent in various professional fields. Strange only that they almost do not require any training or experience at all to get work at them, judging by the professional titles/place ads that they have posted on the page."

Sounds like a scam.


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Thank you for that! I thought there might be something more out there but I was unable to translate, as the gentleman I met yest was from Sweden and apparently thats where the company originated.


I had a feeling something wasn't quite right as he seemed a little more interested in what I wanted to do rather than my experience. He has said he will be in touch in the next few weeks so I will strongly bare this information in mind when he does get in touch.


I also found it a little odd the lack of anything online regarding the company, not even a review (positive or negative).

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this company has a distinct aroma to it , it is not registered at companies house , i can find no details of Magnets Steel Sheffield another supposed company . there is no reference to any employees or directors . the website seems to be a triumph of style over substance . there are also job vacancies listed at their Harrogate and Knaresborough offices . This has AVOID written all over it

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I was thinking the same thing, I have now managed to dig a little and what I have found has made me know its best to forget about this.


Thank you so much for your help and I hope it help others if they are contacted by this company to just refuse because it isn't worth their time going for an interview. Just a shame I didn't dig more earlier before I took time off work and upset my current employer, you live and learn!

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I was thinking the same thing, I have now managed to dig a little and what I have found has made me know its best to forget about this.


Thank you so much for your help and I hope it help others if they are contacted by this company to just refuse because it isn't worth their time going for an interview. Just a shame I didn't dig more earlier before I took time off work and upset my current employer, you live and learn!


Did you report your experience to the office of fair trading? Seems worth doing in an effortto avoid others falling for the trap.

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The interview itself was basic. It was in a pub/hotel in the main bar part, the gentleman was on his own which again for is meant to be a huge multinational company I thought was quite strange, he also had very little with him only a stack of papers and a note book (which didnt use).


He mainly asked me about what I would like to do in the future and talking about skills that are clearly not on my CV (which he didnt have a copy of), asking if I would like to learn more about these skills. He spoke about programming, langauages, art and a couple of others. He didnt make any notes about what was discussed or ask me any questions about my experience, to be honest there was no stucture to the interview what so over.


He showed me his schedule of interviews he had booked in for the rest of the week, traveling to many different towns/cities, but said there was going to be a new office in Sheffield that people from all over would be based at.


There was a quick chat about the chance of travel to Spain/Sweden to help with projects and things.


It would be interesting to hear what he says to you if you do attend the interview. I am by no means trying to stop people attending interviews or pursuing roles within that company, I just find the whole situation a little odd and just wanted to see/make people aware that if they are attending an interview it might not be all what it seems. As they say if it sounds to good to be true, then it usually is! And the job advert for this company sounded great to me.


He should be emailing me in the next couple of weeks so we shall soon see what comes of it, for all I know it could be legit or it could all be a huge waste of time.


But if you go good luck! :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ah, just found this. I am definitely not wasting my time going to the interview ;)




Just thought I would give you an update! I got an email today to say that they would like to offer me the position but they have had to rethink their location and they will now be based in the Netherlands! They said it was easier and cheaper to run the business from there.


They said they were putting me forward for the admin role but I would need to learn how to programme before I can pass by probationary period (I have never done or wanted to do programming). But they told me not to worry because they have a very informative training programme which they would dicuss with me at a later date.


I declined their offer by email and just got an email back saying 'thanks'.

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