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Are people so silly

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It's difficult to believe a lot of them but they are genuine - take my word for it. There really are some very stupid people in this world.


Totally agree, a high percentage of 999 calls are not an emergency, but quite a few people know exactly what to mention when talking to comms, not breathing & in & out of consciousness is just a few, when crews turn up after driving with blues & twos it is someone with a cut finger, women worried about their unborn babies, crews turn up & they ask if after the hospital ambulance will give them a lift home, when explained that its an emergency service & not a taxi service they refuse to go to hospital. Its crazy

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I have had cause to call 999 on a couple of occasions when I have needed very urgent help. On both occasions I don't think I've ever been more grateful to hear another voice than when the emergency operator (ambulance first time, police second time) answered.


As a side note, when you are at the side of the road in winter in the dark, with an injured person who has driven their car into a ditch, there is not a sight more beautiful in the world than the blue flashing lights coming down the hill.


My friend is a paramedic and I cannot believe some of the rubbish he gets called out to. His training cost the NHS a small fortune, he is highly skilled and carries a little mobile hospital in his car. Yet he estimates that over 50% of the emergency calls he gets sent to do not need an emergency response.


I would only call 999 in a life or death emergency, not for a stubbed toe nail or a broken tooth or any of the other rubbish people bother them with.


Am I unusual in that I have only used 999 twice in my life?

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Am I unusual in that I have only used 999 twice in my life?


I don't think that you are. I've only called 999 personally twice and both times were for what turned out to be total life and death situations (a biker who turned out to have a broken neck and a small child who was having their first full scale seizure which turned out to be caused by a brain tumour).


The emergency services are too precious to abuse, and anybody who doesn't understand this and cries wolf deserves to have their future calls at the back of the queue of those waiting for answers.

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The emergency services are too precious to abuse, and anybody who doesn't understand this and cries wolf deserves to have their future calls at the back of the queue of those waiting for answers.


The problem with that is, most genuine callers probably don't need the emergency services for themselves (except maybe the police). I would imagine the vast majority of genuine requests for an ambulance come from someone other than the injured/ill person, i.e. a relative, friend or random passer by.

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