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Café situations – how far should I go?

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There is a café that me and Robert go to when it is time to have our lunch time (we sit in an office drinking coffee for our job). Now I don’t know about you but there is such a thing as pride in food prep in my eyes. Trouble is they don’t have that at the café we go to. Well, they do actually but this one member of staff doesn’t care! Have asked for panini with capers and also tuna but it came back with capers falling out and also butter smeared outside the main crust of it all. Also badly placed dressings. Robert got same sandwich from it were a different staff member what served him and his was OK. It was good actually. I had a couple of bites of Robert’s and Robert had a couple of bites out of mine so we sort of did a test.

Question is what do I do next time this person gives me bad sandwich or something? Robert says push it on floor and do a ‘tut tut’ but I think send the person back to kitchen and remind the person that qualifications can easily be taken away from a person.


What even are capers?

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There is a café that me and Robert go to when it is time to have our lunch time (we sit in an office drinking coffee for our job). Now I don’t know about you but there is such a thing as pride in food prep in my eyes. Trouble is they don’t have that at the café we go to. Well, they do actually but this one member of staff doesn’t care! Have asked for panini with capers and also tuna but it came back with capers falling out and also butter smeared outside the main crust of it all. Also badly placed dressings. Robert got same sandwich from it were a different staff member what served him and his was OK. It was good actually. I had a couple of bites of Robert’s and Robert had a couple of bites out of mine so we sort of did a test.

Question is what do I do next time this person gives me bad sandwich or something? Robert says push it on floor and do a ‘tut tut’ but I think send the person back to kitchen and remind the person that qualifications can easily be taken away from a person.


What even are capers?


This must be very distressing for you, I hope you will cope.

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Next time, regardless of staff serving, don't opt for a foreign sandwich. Instead you could select a nice jack spud, perhaps with beans in the slot and salad on the side. Be careful not to spill any bean juice down yourself.


Good luck with your cafe venture. Hope this helped.

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Next time, regardless of staff serving, don't opt for a foreign sandwich. Instead you could select a nice jack spud, perhaps with beans in the slot and salad on the side. Be careful not to spill any bean juice down yourself.


Good luck with your cafe venture. Hope this helped.


Foreign? No I didn't eat that though. I had a tuna and capers one and that to me isn't foreign. What even is capers? What's a jack spud? Slot?


Fanx for the advising me though Matt

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