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Bar flies, why do they do it..

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I went into a busy pub a few days ago, and it was a nightmare to get served because of the "Bar Flies", you could not get anywhere near the bar because of the inconsiderate morons who like to sit there sipping their drinks, there were three women in particular who were sat at the bar taking up most of the room, they knew people were struggling to get served, not only didnt move out of the way, but they didnt even try to get closer together to help other customers get passed, how very rude and ignorant.!!

When i finally managed to attract the attention of the bar staff, i had to reach over them to pay, and the barmen had to put the drinks near the collecting hatch for me to get my drinks, if i was the landlord i would have asked these ignorant numpties to use a little common sense and move, why do people sit at the bar, are you one of them.?


Which pub was that?

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I think getting rather close to them and a slight rubbing of bodies together would soon have them moving. Or cough and clear your throat as if you have a bad cold. Or simply say excuse me, i'd like to get served.

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