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Secret Trials in the UK

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I don't mean to shock you but it has happened before, even here in Sheffield. I've been involved in a couple of trials where the media and public gallery weren't allowed in. d[/i][/size]


could you possibly talking about the Poll Tax trials where even Magistrates were allowed to imprison people for non-payment. The prosecutors did not want any press or public in there at those trials and sometimes they found a chief Magistrate that would exclude the especially the public (that is easy) but also the press (more difficult).

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Did they misquote Mr Hudson, or is he mistaken too?


Not mistaken; unaware.


There are hundreds of crown courts hearing thousands of cases a year.


I have no idea what happens in 99 99 percent of cases yet I'm a lawyer. One judge allowing this doesn't surprise me nor would it if ten trials a year were heard like that. It's an abuse of process argument but there are lots of those. Decisions to proceed in odd ways happen every day but until they're publicised who knows about them. I wouldn't be stunned if there were lots more cases like this bit they simply haven't been reported on particularly historically. 20 years ago there was far less info. No Twitter. No social media. Things like this happened. Less so now with the prevalence of the internet but it'd be very naive to think they hadn't historically but no one knew.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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it is just garbage. 2 3 or 4 people (we don't even know how many, the defendants there are) could end up getting jailed for life in a trial their prosecutors are trying, to keep secret. Totally outrageous.

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it is just garbage. 2 3 or 4 people (we don't even know how many, the defendants there are) could end up getting jailed for life in a trial their prosecutors are trying, to keep secret. Totally outrageous.


Yet legal aid has been practically wiped out. Very unfair.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Welcome to the Orwellian world where people just disappear into a legal black hole. This sort of legislation is necessary as we expand the corporate takeover of the legal and prison system. Never forget the banking song....First profit, then bonuses, and that pays for changing legislation, where politicians are told to sell serious policies to the plebs, who accept it, begrudgingly, so do nothing about it.


The plebs know that to demonstrate, makes them criminals, as the police snap them up, for charges to be laid later, which if you remember, the people who are charged at demonstrations get off on appeal, some with the police officers child in arms, who shopped them to begin with. So feeding the poor with the modern version of soup kitchens keeps them off the streets, demonstrating about their plight.


When Government and business collude against the population in order to exploit their aims, it is called what?


It sort of reminds me of the Jews, Slaves, and the rest being forced out of their cattle wagons, exhausted, to find a pleasant station with trees and flowers, with music playing, making it seem like they were really being resettled. They obediently just walked straight into the gas chambers, with children hanging onto mothers etc.


Well the framework which is deception, is a good strategy when dealing with a population one wants to exploit, and these days its through a different ideology. The ideology of greed, where pay skyrockets, as do bonuses, for some while corporate profits pay for the PARASITIC career politicians, selling us all for what they can gain from personally.


So let us welcome no legal representation if you are poor, and a swift journey to prison, where the taxpayer shells out billions into the corporate sector. So get ready for new laws dealing with the poor, as they alone are worth more in prison than giving them benefits.

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So criminal trials are not just to be heard in secret, but there is also an additional clause, no reporting of the trial allowed. Thus the mere fact of reporting that charges have been brought or that a case is planned has become an imprisoning offense.


These secret courts will distort what we are allowed to know about the weighty matters of foreign interventions in Muslim lands, in real-time. But enough of what is being enacted.


What has already been put in place is the renunciation of justice for the poor which has already happened. Over the last four years Legal Aid cuts have been so brutal as to bring barristers and solicitors out protesting on the streets across British cities for the first time in history.


While the courtroom doors are being slammed in the faces of the poor, new ways are being found to open the solicitors' and court waiting rooms for wealthy individuals and corporations who are worried about embarrassing facts being allowed to circulate about them online.


A public company now has the right to decide what is in the public interest”


So you can have poisons in fords, GM crops for breakfast, be prescribed drugs that have not been tested as they once were, and their death rates are secret. Welcome to the takeover of your live by the brave new corporate world. Remember whatever government you vote for, once elected are only interest in self interest, and the electorate are there to be milked through various taxes and fines. This is the changing face of GRATE BRITAIN.

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Doesn't this sort of secret trial make us no different from those Communist and right wing dictator regimes? Wasn't the last world war, all about preventing such actions and preserving our rights and freedoms?

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Welcome to the Orwellian world where people just disappear into a legal black hole. This sort of legislation is necessary as we expand the corporate takeover of the legal and prison system. Never forget the banking song....First profit, then bonuses, and that pays for changing legislation, where politicians are told to sell serious policies to the plebs, who accept it, begrudgingly, so do nothing about it.


The plebs know that to demonstrate, makes them criminals, as the police snap them up, for charges to be laid later, which if you remember, the people who are charged at demonstrations get off on appeal, some with the police officers child in arms, who shopped them to begin with. So feeding the poor with the modern version of soup kitchens keeps them off the streets, demonstrating about their plight.


When Government and business collude against the population in order to exploit their aims, it is called what?


It sort of reminds me of the Jews, Slaves, and the rest being forced out of their cattle wagons, exhausted, to find a pleasant station with trees and flowers, with music playing, making it seem like they were really being resettled. They obediently just walked straight into the gas chambers, with children hanging onto mothers etc.


Well the framework which is deception, is a good strategy when dealing with a population one wants to exploit, and these days its through a different ideology. The ideology of greed, where pay skyrockets, as do bonuses, for some while corporate profits pay for the PARASITIC career politicians, selling us all for what they can gain from personally.


So let us welcome no legal representation if you are poor, and a swift journey to prison, where the taxpayer shells out billions into the corporate sector. So get ready for new laws dealing with the poor, as they alone are worth more in prison than giving them benefits.


and for their slave labour too....



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Not mistaken; unaware.


There are hundreds of crown courts hearing thousands of cases a year.


I have no idea what happens in 99 99 percent of cases yet I'm a lawyer. One judge allowing this doesn't surprise me nor would it if ten trials a year were heard like that. It's an abuse of process argument but there are lots of those. Decisions to proceed in odd ways happen every day but until they're publicised who knows about them. I wouldn't be stunned if there were lots more cases like this bit they simply haven't been reported on particularly historically. 20 years ago there was far less info. No Twitter. No social media. Things like this happened. Less so now with the prevalence of the internet but it'd be very naive to think they hadn't historically but no one knew.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Maybe you're right & there have been even more secret trials that were kept secret more successfully in the past. I can just go on what I've read in the media - the same media that have been fighting the case to be able to report it, so I can understand they'll be a little biased. Doesn't justify secret trials though, even if it is common, that just makes it worse. It shouldn't happen & for once I hope the media win their case, if they've got any appeals or anything & stop it from happening in secret. I suppose nothing can be done to stop foreign media reporting it, putting it on the internet, what details they can find out - the uk media seem to know more than they're allowed to share. Hopefully that'll make a farce of trying to hold such secret trials & put an end to it, like when they tried the super-injunctions. The internet should force more openness.

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