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Secret Trials in the UK

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Britain is moving towards a dictatorship if you hadn't noticed

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Doesn't this sort of secret trial make us no different from those Communist and right wing dictator regimes? Wasn't the last world war, all about preventing such actions and preserving our rights and freedoms?


No, it was about stopping expansionism which may have lead to and in some cases, did lead to those things you mentioned.

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Yup, if some get there way it'll be known as the United Federation of Europe.


Not sure about that but I do remember an advertisement been circulated at work for what only could be described as the "Secret Police."

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First: Can we please separate this from the government, it is a court order, not something that was decided on by a minister or parliament.


Second: The secret services in this country need hitting over the head and be forced to operate in public except for specific situations. There is no need to monitor everybody *GCHQ*, there is no need for secrecy when it comes to policing *MI5* and espionage can be fought above water as well as below water, so let's keep it above water - that way other countries at least know we are not spying on them (which we are) *MI6*.

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First: Can we please separate this from the government, it is a court order, not something that was decided on by a minister or parliament.


Second: The secret services in this country need hitting over the head and be forced to operate in public except for specific situations. There is no need to monitor everybody *GCHQ*, there is no need for secrecy when it comes to policing *MI5* and espionage can be fought above water as well as below water, so let's keep it above water - that way other countries at least know we are not spying on them (which we are) *MI6*.

you an expert in the secret services like? :suspect:

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I try to avoid agreeing with the Daily Mail, but I think their outrage here is justified: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2648832/First-trial-held-secret-Closed-terror-case-branded-outrageous-assault-open-justice-thanks-free-Press-know-happening.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490


In summary it would appear that a terrorism trial is going to be held completely in secret, with no members of the public or press allowed.


I always thought it was a principle of law that justice was not only done, but seen to be done. I understand that some parts of the evidence may be sensitive, and it may be necessary to exclude the public from certain sessions, but to exclude them from the whole trial seems extreme and worrying.


Were it not for the press fighting, we would not even know this was taking place.


It's not fair when celebs like Rolf Harris are named and shamed after being charged, then trial by the British Press before they are even found guilty of anything. Nothing like producing someone's defence is there?

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