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Secret Trials in the UK

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Just a reminder that...............Criminal trials are not just to be heard in secret, but there is also an additional clause, no reporting of the trial allowed.


Thus the mere fact of reporting that charges have been brought or that a case is planned.............. has become an imprisoning offense.


Does anyone understand the implications of this?


Another point this legislation paves the way for future legislation, so just imagine what sort of country it will be in a decade or two?


Well it means relatives can be told it was a suicide, when it was an execution, and with disposal of the body having happened long before the relative were informed...............This is what happens when there is no counterweight to state authority, its what humans have done over and over again throughout history, so not much changes except the actors, the scenery, as its the same repression that people inflict on what an authority regards as thereat in any shape of form.

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First: Can we please separate this from the government, it is a court order, not something that was decided on by a minister or parliament.


Second: The secret services in this country need hitting over the head and be forced to operate in public except for specific situations. There is no need to monitor everybody *GCHQ*, there is no need for secrecy when it comes to policing *MI5* and espionage can be fought above water as well as below water, so let's keep it above water - that way other countries at least know we are not spying on them (which we are) *MI6*.


First: The government asked the court for this.


Second: They wouldn't be secret services then.

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