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The love of terrorism, and why we support it

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So in the in the Orwellian perpetual War on Terror, which grew out of the War on Drugs, where its the legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol industry that kills people in millions a year. Perpetual war where we are always winning just as we did in Iran and Afghanistan, and after defeating them there we seek them elsewhere, when we are not directly funding them to overthrow democratically elected governments. We want the right sort of democracy, governments that agree with us, never question superior wisdom.


Terrorism like early Christianity is an ideology that individuals shape for their own understanding and personal aims, and can mean whatever one wants it to mean, within certain parameters. We are the good guys and give depleted uranium to civilian populations as we care little about ordinary folk, as we are after them that believe in the wrong ideology. Once it was them that were Catholics, who had to be exterminated, then it was Protestants, and then back to Catholics, but times move on and we are modern people, and are fighting, or re-fighting the crusades, so back to the future.


It is just amazing to me how little of history people know and accept lies as truth in this new Orwellian world, where the ministers of truth lie. Obviously we know Blair and his band of conspirators lied, but at the time most apart from the 1-2 million who demonstrated before the war, but liars get away with it. They had an illegal war and destroyed not just an individual but the infrastructure of the country and all its services which civilians use.


People's ignorance allows them to be conned by liars who tend to be parasitic politicians, who are puppets of a higher order. People accept lies as truth which most will never have read, or some hears of Orwell. He just wrote about what people do, when given the opportunity, through people not knowing much about anything, while seeking entertainment to provide a bit of excitement into vacuous and predictable lives.


The Nazis came to power because, they believed in the promises, and them in power just abused it as they always do. Fortunately at the moment the state sponsored murders are happening in distant lands, but with the dismantling of our legal system, it will not be that long till things seriously change over here in the next decade. The Nazis did not come to power overnight, it was a gradual detrimental change, they had the Jews and other races in their sights we have the Muslims, who have most of the world's energy. He who own the energy can hold whoever they like to ransom, as every economy needs it.


Congratulations! You have won the Sheffield Forum Award for entertainment.

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