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Sikh warfare again in golden temple

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Orange turbans signify that the wearers believe in a separate homeland for Sikhs within what is currently India (mainly in the Indian Punjab where Sikhs make up 30% of the population). Khalistan is what they would like to call it.


Some Khalistanis also wear blue turbans

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Orange turbans signify that the wearers believe in a separate homeland for Sikhs within what is currently India (mainly in the Indian Punjab where Sikhs make up 30% of the population). Khalistan is what they would like to call it.


Hi Pritt Stick,

Yes, you are spot on with this information. I thought I would give my two cents about the whole situation. As a Sikh, I do NOT want a Khalistan because there are quite a few Sikh tribes (castes). So if Khalistan was founded, which caste member would be the prime minister of that nation? I am sure that some hot headed members of a particular caste would never ever let a member of a different caste, become prime minister of Khalistan. The whole concept of Khalistan is a failure before it would even begin. Because of the power struggle between the different castes, the whole country will be plunged into a massive civil war. Then the next thing, the USA will get involved and start bombing the country and breed a new generation of young Sikhs who want to destroy the West. Khalitstan is a disaster waiting to happen and I don't want it.

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