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Telegraph Pole Problem

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Simply that. We have an unsightly telegraph pole in our (medium sized) garden which spoils the view. We don't want to wait for BT to remove it, as although I'm sure they will eventually when nobody needs landlines any more, that could be 20 years away.


So we need to plant something in front of it which will distract the eye away from the pole itself and which will grow as high as possible as quickly as possible, but we don't want Leylandi or non-indigenous pine species. It would have to be planted about 20' (6-7 m) away from the house.


Suggestions gratefully received.

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Seems unusual to have a T-pole in a garden..



Paint it different shades of Green?


It was already on the land when be bought it from our neighbour. There's a way leave which means they should pay us about 5/11d rent every year, but we're not bothered about that. We just want them to remove it, which they won't.


It's not the colour as such ( after all, it's a wooden pole), more the mass of ugly wires going into it at the top. We just want something in front of it which is more aesthetically acceptable!

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If it was there before you bought the land why did you buy it?

If you plant something alongside it how are BT going to repair any faults with the wires?

Moving it isn't as simple as you suggest, there are underground cables to the pole which will need to be re-routed. are you happy to pay for that?

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If it was there before you bought the land why did you buy it?

Because it gave us a garden; we had none to speak of before.


If you plant something alongside it how are BT going to repair any faults with the wires?

They can climb up the other side as they did when a whacking great fir tree was growing next to it. (We felled that as it was a magnet for millions of flies and it wasn't an indigenous species. We live in a National Park so they're quite fussy about what you can plant).


Moving it isn't as simple as you suggest, there are underground cables to the pole which will need to be re-routed. are you happy to pay for that?
I wasn't aware I'd suggested it would be simple and I've said I don't think they'll do it yet anyway. (Eventually all poles will be redundant, but it will be a few years yet).


Do you have any useful suggestions for trees we could plant, or not?

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