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Did anyone here go to Wisewood Comp?


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Well guessed! Especially since you've not noticed the 'third nostril'. Too many stray cricket balls caused that effect. Harsh? The man was a psychopath!


Psycopath does seem to fit better than harsh!! :)

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I went to Wisewood between 1973 and 1978. I remember some of the teachers mentioned here - Mrs Wragg, Mrs Turnbull, Mr Middleton, Mr Else, Mr Ashton, Mrs Sykes, Miss Drury (actually met her a couple of years ago in a friends house), Mrs Chapman, Mrs Bedford, Mrs Ross, Miss Mather, Mr Haydock, Mr Hook, Mr Turner, Mrs Greenfield, Mr Hodgkinson, Mr Davies, Mrs Warren, Miss Wileman, Mrs Morris, Mr Nortcliff, Miss Lovell, Mr Lily, Mr Murphy, Mr Carter, Mr Staff, Mr Crompton, Mrs Stuart, Mr Brewer, Miss Ballard - the list goes on, I might have forgotten some but these are the main ones I remember.

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God, there's a lot of teacher bashing on here! I left Wisewood in the late 90s and remember there were some good teachers there. Nobody ever seems to want to mention the good ones!


Mrs Harlow was my form tutor for the first few years and I always thought she was great - she didn't take much crap from the kids but I always thought she was a good teacher.


Miss Page was an eccentric sod but she was great in her own way - I remember her scattering garlic around the room to warn off vampires :thumbsup:


Mr Green (science teacher) was cool as you like, really enjoyed his lessons. Saw him in the hospital a few years ago and he remembered my name, which suprised me. Imagine all the faces that pass through his classroom for him to remember them all :) Good bloke.


Mr Green (DT) taught me for graphics in the 4th year. He could lose his rag quite easily - he had a very short temper - but wouldn't we all if we worked with cocky little swines all day? He was always a decent teacher, although if all the pencils, rulers and compasses weren't back in place at the end of the lesson, it was complete lockdown - nobody was going anywhere!


The guy who took over the graphics lessons for my fifth year was sound as a pound, really got on with him. So much so I cant actually remember his name... :o Dont know if it was true, but he said he played the digeridoo. Used to look forward to double graphics with him on a friday afternoon. He seemed more like a college lecturer than a school teacher. He just let us get on with it, and helped us when we needed it.


Mrs Carhart (languages) was always a very good teacher. I used to get sent to her lessons when Mrs Drew got fed up of my cheek and she straightened me out :D


Mr Skidmore - his art lessons used to be like stepping back into the victorian era. Schooling with an iron fist. No talking, no smiling, no enjoying. And definately do not, under any circumstances, use an eraser! But beneath his strict, old school teaching facade was quite a cool man. He joined us on a field trip shortly before he retired and he chilled out a bit and was a good laugh. The teacher that replaced him wasnt a patch on him. I also remember he was always wonderfully presented and he even had a stamp cut with his very ornate caligraphic signature with which he used to sign report cards and so on. Wonderful man.


I'm terrible at remembering names, but there was a woman who taught RE and history at the bottom end of the humanities corridor (EDIT: remembered her name now - Mrs Sleaford) who I always got on with. She was a good teacher. Very inspiring, managed to make classes fun whilst still getting work out of us.


Miss Harrisson taugh english and music (and I think drama) and she was great - one of those teachers like the history teacher mentioned above that managed to be cool and popular but also get a class to work well. She left whilst I was there, which we were a bit gutted about.


Mr Dawson (games teacher) was cool. Proper geezer, good laugh, laid back, yet still managed to be scary if anyone crossed him. Good bloke. Played drums too.


Mr McGreavy was sound. Like Mr Dawson, he was a tough guy if you were a trouble causer, but he was definately a good teacher. I enjoyed his lessons. He recognised my passion for the outdoors and gave me a lot of time when we were out on field trips doing climbing and the like. Wish I'd have had him for more lessons, but I dropped geography in favour of history unfortunately.


Mo Laycock - deputy head. God she was scary. She left to take over as head at Firth Park if I remember correctly, and from what I can remember she knocked them into shape! She was a scary one but she was good. She always seemed to get good things out of the kids, although it came at the cost of her popularity. Somehow I dont think she cared about that though :)


Mr Crompton (science teacher) retired (from full time teaching I think) while I was there, though he did continue to do supply teaching. He was good, he used to stand in for our history and science lessons occassionally and he was a good guy. Another one of those who everyone seemed to be scared of for some reason, but he was actually a really friendly bloke. Always seems to know his stuff too.


We often also had a supply teacher for Drama who was great. A really short woman, but had a big presence. We used to like her lessons. Cant remember her name at all, but she was awesome. Very flambouyant and energetic and inspiring.


When Mr Sisum (sp?) retired, Mr Barr took his place as head and RE teacher for my final year. Always seemed fairly sound. Seemed to be on a level with the kids when teaching RE without ever being lame and trying too hard.


Mrs Allen (maths) sticks in my mind as a good teacher. When I was having trouble with another maths teacher she had a word with me and helped me out and seemed to communicate that alien subject (I'm laughably useless at maths...) with me a lot better than the others. She was into kayaking too, which made her cool in my book.


Another guy who I really liked but cant remember his name, he taught me English for my last year. Good bloke, tall chap, glasses. Friendly, had a definate intrest in what he was teaching. Some of the kids used to take the mickey a bit which he seemed to struggle with, but I think he was just getting into the swing of it then. He was a good bloke anyway, glad to have had him for that last year.


My favourite teacher though was Mr Clarke (RE). He was great. He was my form tutor for two years and taugh my RE classes for that same time. He was a very inspiring man and had a definate connection with our form. He always had time for his students and was caring and friendly. He was a part time pastor if I remember correctly, and eventually left to teach at a school in Hull, where he had been commuting from and to at the weekends.

He came back for a visit in our final year and met up with some of us to see how we were going on with our GCSEs too, which was really cool of him. When he was teaching RE he was very keen to listen to our ideas and opinions, and never seemed to want to push any ideas on us. His lessons were a good time to say what we thought about all kinds of things, and he always found the time to get a discussion out of it. His lessons were exciting and definately kept my interest. And despite me being a loudmouth he kept his patience and gave me the time to say what I had to say. Bloody good bloke, good teacher and it's a shame he left when he did. I had a lot of respect for him.




In actual fact, Wisewood had more than it's fair share of good teachers come to think of it. This post ended up a lot longer than I thought it would once I got to thinking :)

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i went to wisewood 90-95 and was in mrs sleafords year group. M y favourite teacher was mr. keddey who we had for science, dead chilled and funny. I really liked mr moyle who was head of science he retired in 95/96 anyone know what happened to him?. Mrs ross was our head of year and was a right battleaxe oh that glass eye!. Looking back they definately were fun years!

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now youv'e mentioned some more names they are coming back to me...


we had Mr McGreavy for Geography, he was alright but he left shortly before our exams i think.... i got a grade C so he must have done something right lol!


Mr Green (science) i always found to be alright but when you did the slighest thing wrong he got very angry!!! lol and with all the pillocks in our class, that was quite often!!


Mr Green(DT) I abolsutly hated, i can remember in Year7, we had him and he lost his pencil from his top, he blamed the class for stealing it and gave us detention the next day, which was my bloomin birthday, but the thing that annoyed me was 5mins later after he had given us dentention he had found the pencil on the floor, but STILL gave us detention!!!!! i hated him after that!!! lol


Mrs Drew, she was a character, she made me laugh, everyone was really cruel to her but i thought she was sound, i see her sometimes as my blokes mum knows her, what a coinsedance lol!


Mr Dawson was fantastic, sometimes in lunch me and my mates went to sit in his room with him, he was soooo funny, we all loved him, he never got mad and was just so friendly!! :)


Mo Laycock( if it is her!) she actually became Headmaster a couple of years or so after i started, she was big lady and was very scary, people used to say she had a mostache(which she kinda did!) it was funny, but no-one would mess with her!!!


also the woman who we had for art, oh bum!! i cant remember her name, she was skinny and had ginger hair!!! miss something-or-other!! she was sound, except when everyone was messing around, which they usually were! she would get really mad, she could annoy me at times, but i did like her and loved art lessons!!!! ohh its come to me, Miss Guy her name was!!


Miss Latimer, like i said in an earlier post, i loved her, she taught me English and i thought she was fab!!! she acted like one of the kids, always joking around and that, she was great :thumbsup: she left just before we did though, cant remember where she went!!!


thats about all i can remember, OHH no i lie, Science, we had this man, oh goodness i cant remember his name, but he looked like this music-star from a group, cant remember the group now either lol but he had long frizzy hair and always wore it in a pony-tail! he was a bit of a mardy a*se but when he was alright, he was alright :)


.....and breathe!!!


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My favourite teacher though was Mr Clarke (RE). He was great. He was my form tutor for two years and taugh my RE classes for that same time.


Aaah, Mr Clarke was ace! Do you remember those little poems he gave us when he left with a little message on the back? I've still got mine. Bless him.


Ms Angier was one of the best too, after school maths lessons with tea and cookies.......mmmmmmm.

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