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Did anyone here go to Wisewood Comp?


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mr davies, p.e


mr skidmore

miss dowd girls p.e

oh the good old days at wisewood eh, lol when we had to walk to marcliffe for the gym!

the cross country across common !! even when it was rainin!!!

you know how you could not wait to leave school then when you got older you wish you was back at school lol



I remember setting off for gym at Marcliffe but never actually making it there :hihi: Or if I did I was rather late :D I did love the cross country though on the common.


Does anyone remember the incident that lead to Mr skidmores departure from the school?

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I was once in Dr Haworths RE class at the end of term. If you remember it was a tradition for the 5th year when leaving school would throw eggs and flour.....An egg was thrown through an open window on to the top of Dr Haworths head and he just carried on teaching with the egg on his head as though nothing had happened!!! I also remember Mr 'Skiddy' Skidmore! He used to jump on to the tables and run towards whoever was 'playing up' in class and give them a telling off! Classic stuff:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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yes i went then to that school i did not get on with mrs harlo we were realy nasty to each other. i remember my little bro started after i left but we dont have the same second name .she were nice to him at 1st then 1 day he ask"d her if she rememberd me n that i was his sis and then she were nasty to him n my mum went up guns blazing at her. that woman was evil.:evil:i remember mr dodd mr pashley mr green mr dawson that 1 we glass eye n thats it 4 naw:D:banana:

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I was at wisewood between 1988-1993


I think the only teachers left there now that was there when i was there is Mr Davies and Miss Dowd (PE Teachers), Dr Green (Science teacher with the sexy bum) and Miss Harlow.


This thread is bringing some right memories back.:hihi:

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I was once in Dr Haworths RE class at the end of term. If you remember it was a tradition for the 5th year when leaving school would throw eggs and flour.....An egg was thrown through an open window on to the top of Dr Haworths head and he just carried on teaching with the egg on his head as though nothing had happened!!! I also remember Mr 'Skiddy' Skidmore! He used to jump on to the tables and run towards whoever was 'playing up' in class and give them a telling off! Classic stuff:hihi::hihi::hihi:


dr haworth

think i got banned from his class , i never liked RE anyway:hihi::hihi:

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