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Funny and illogical sayings of mothers!!

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Round t'lump meant the same as round the block to me as a child in Grimesthorpe 1943 to 1957. That is to say, if you could turn first left at each junction and eventually arrive back where you started. Or for that matter, turn first right at each junction for a different view point. A yoos teh gufforra ride round t' lump on me bike :)

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Who can remember funny things their mothers used to say to them as children?


my mam and nan used to say tuck thee shirt in or thal get coud in thee kidneys.

ironic that is cause in 1990 I had cancer of the right kidney and was taken out and then ok but 3 years after my other kidney packed up end up on dialysis so maybe my old nan wasn't far wrong god bless her

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