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Idle contemplation, of useful tools, where the ends justify the means.

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Some government like to hide the fact they engineer wars, and conflict, as chaos could be said to be the pyre in which a new country is born. When I say chaos I mean total destruction of amenities, so the population is reduced to fighting each other for what scraps there are left to survive on. Iraq and Libya are recent examples of this ideological driven solution.


The favourite tool are death squads, trained by an outside power, to destroy nation states, so sovereignty is somewhat of a myth. Death squads have wrecked carnage throughout middle and south America, where after the abolition of a targeted government, a puppet is installed such as Pinochet and Marcos, where they under supervision of the power that elevated them, control the country through terror, and eliminating opposition through extermination. That way opposition ceases to be a threat or in some cases a reality, at least for a time.


Death squads are a very useful tool in population control, and as stated liberally used in Middle and south America, and in many other countries are a tried and tested way to civilise.


More recently in Ukraine such units are now in charge of the army, which is now attacking cities that have not provoked or moved to threatened any authority. This is most fortunate, as it allows a central authority to mobilise and move its military to where a perceived threat, or challenge to current ideology lies. Thus they can use aircraft to bomb, shell, and slowly destroy a population with impunity, despite the fact they have not declared war, but just defend or attempt to defend their city communities. This should be an interesting war against a perceived cancer. One can only hope they ethnically cleanse the region of all Russians, destroy the infrastructure of the cities, making them monuments to a failed attempt to question a new authority, bought into existence through a violent coup. The game is just beginning, as the evacuation of women and children start to trickle out of a land they have no right to be in, according to the powers that be. Of course this is orchestrated by more powerful puppeteers who finance the cleansing operation and infrastructure demolition.


Sadly it is designed to make Russia come to the aid of their beleaguered population who just happen to have lived in Ukraine for generations. It is thus an obvious trap, which would allow a power to declare war, possibly using a nuclear deterrent, as some say the UN, NATO and many other influential organisations are far from neutral. Sadly Russia will have to see many innocent people sacrificed on the alter of the death squads running the military machine. It can complain to the UN but it’s a waster of time, as there is no independent authority left on earth, only the authority of might is always right. The ends always justify the means, as Blair chirps all the time. So let us rejoice in yet another country being smashed to pieces through the application of a military force to create chaos.


God prior to creating the earth and mankind and all the animals and plants, created this wonder we live in out of the chaos, so the ideology is somewhat biblical. So from chaos comes a new beginning, new ways of living, new life, and thus making war, creating destruction is actually a very desirable and good thing, as some feel they are following in the footsteps of the almighty, and are in effect doing gods work.


But then again let us blame the Muslims, they with vast military and economic resources, they with aircraft carriers, stealth bombers, fighter jets, missile systems, and armies of hundreds of thousands to call upon. The Orwellian landscape of perpetual war, fighting commies, then drugs, then Muslims then there is China and Russia not forgetting the little fish to deal with first, Syria and Iran to get the regime changed like in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.


Maybe the fight against terrorism is actually a fight against those that create the terror, and we are part of that divine force, civilising and democratising the world in our image of course.

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Some government like to hide the fact they engineer wars, and conflict, as chaos could be said to be the pyre in which a new country is born. When I say chaos I mean total destruction of amenities, so the population is reduced to fighting each other for what scraps there are left to survive on. Iraq and Libya are recent examples of this ideological driven solution.


The favourite tool are death squads, trained by an outside power, to destroy nation states, so sovereignty is somewhat of a myth. Death squads have wrecked carnage throughout middle and south America, where after the abolition of a targeted government, a puppet is installed such as Pinochet and Marcos, where they under supervision of the power that elevated them, control the country through terror, and eliminating opposition through extermination. That way opposition ceases to be a threat or in some cases a reality, at least for a time.


Death squads are a very useful tool in population control, and as stated liberally used in Middle and south America, and in many other countries are a tried and tested way to civilise.


More recently in Ukraine such units are now in charge of the army, which is now attacking cities that have not provoked or moved to threatened any authority. This is most fortunate, as it allows a central authority to mobilise and move its military to where a perceived threat, or challenge to current ideology lies. Thus they can use aircraft to bomb, shell, and slowly destroy a population with impunity, despite the fact they have not declared war, but just defend or attempt to defend their city communities. This should be an interesting war against a perceived cancer. One can only hope they ethnically cleanse the region of all Russians, destroy the infrastructure of the cities, making them monuments to a failed attempt to question a new authority, bought into existence through a violent coup. The game is just beginning, as the evacuation of women and children start to trickle out of a land they have no right to be in, according to the powers that be. Of course this is orchestrated by more powerful puppeteers who finance the cleansing operation and infrastructure demolition.


Sadly it is designed to make Russia come to the aid of their beleaguered population who just happen to have lived in Ukraine for generations. It is thus an obvious trap, which would allow a power to declare war, possibly using a nuclear deterrent, as some say the UN, NATO and many other influential organisations are far from neutral. Sadly Russia will have to see many innocent people sacrificed on the alter of the death squads running the military machine. It can complain to the UN but it’s a waster of time, as there is no independent authority left on earth, only the authority of might is always right. The ends always justify the means, as Blair chirps all the time. So let us rejoice in yet another country being smashed to pieces through the application of a military force to create chaos.


God prior to creating the earth and mankind and all the animals and plants, created this wonder we live in out of the chaos, so the ideology is somewhat biblical. So from chaos comes a new beginning, new ways of living, new life, and thus making war, creating destruction is actually a very desirable and good thing, as some feel they are following in the footsteps of the almighty, and are in effect doing gods work.


But then again let us blame the Muslims, they with vast military and economic resources, they with aircraft carriers, stealth bombers, fighter jets, missile systems, and armies of hundreds of thousands to call upon. The Orwellian landscape of perpetual war, fighting commies, then drugs, then Muslims then there is China and Russia not forgetting the little fish to deal with first, Syria and Iran to get the regime changed like in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan.


Maybe the fight against terrorism is actually a fight against those that create the terror, and we are part of that divine force, civilising and democratising the world in our image of course.


My sentiments in a nutshell.

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