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Great British Values

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I have never read "Stormfront" I assume it is a Fascist publication, I do this in the belief that you must automatically assume I hate immigrants. In fact, I do not, I welcome those who would come here, assimilate and add to our nation. I include East Europeans, Africans, people from the Caribbean and the indian sub continent.


My objection is to those of alien BELIEFS who are seeking to subvert our culture and religion and indeed take it over.


With immigration comes different cultures and beliefs- if you welcome these persons then why call their beliefs 'alien'?


This country is probably one of the most tolerant which allows people of different religious backgrounds/cultures to freely practice their belief- making UK a multi cultural society- a strength IMO.


Allowing for temples, gudwaras, mosques, synogogues- along with the churches of course, to exist and allow the followers to use these to buildings to become involved in their community and religion.


I accept that there are bad apples in every community- we should be united to oust out groups or individuals who create friction and disunity-be they far right or religious fanatics.

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With immigration comes different cultures and beliefs- if you welcome these persons then why call their beliefs 'alien'?


This country is probably one of the most tolerant which allows people of different religious backgrounds/cultures to freely practice their belief- making UK a multi cultural society- a strength IMO.


Allowing for temples, gudwaras, mosques, synogogues- along with the churches of course, to exist and allow the followers to use these to buildings to become involved in their community and religion.


I accept that there are bad apples in every community- we should be united to oust out groups or individuals who create friction and disunity-be they far right or religious fanatics.


now where's that like button

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I have never read "Stormfront" I assume it is a Fascist publication, I do this in the belief that you must automatically assume I hate immigrants. In fact, I do not, I welcome those who would come here, assimilate and add to our nation. I include East Europeans, Africans, people from the Caribbean and the indian sub continent.


My objection is to those of alien BELIEFS who are seeking to subvert our culture and religion and indeed take it over.


Don't you read the newspapers? Watch TV? see whats happening on your High Streets?


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 07:55 ----------



it is my duty to fight the good fight Stanley Tomato. I stand for truth beauty and the Tory party. Whilst ever the forces of darkness such as mecky, Halibut and others of the loony left are allowed to spread their deceits I consider it my duty to challenge and expose them.


Since when was this forum family friendly? The levels of abuse that have been showered upon me, a former miner, steelworker, elephant conservationist, freedom fighter, barman, an honest and open bisexual user of street ladies has been difficult to bear.


Goodbye Stanley old friend. (For a while).


Does being a "former miner, steelworker, elephant conservationist, freedom fighter, barman, an honest and open bisexual user of street ladies" somehow mean that you can post rubbish without being challenged?

Do you think that the presence of curry houses, and Pizza parlours on our High Streets are examples of those "who are seeking to subvert our culture and religion and indeed take it over"? - Perhaps you should look at the impact of globalisation and of finance capitalism as prime drivers which are destroying our way of life....

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Examples please.


Birmingham Schools.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 12:15 ----------


Does being a "former miner, steelworker, elephant conservationist, freedom fighter, barman, an honest and open bisexual user of street ladies" somehow mean that you can post rubbish without being challenged?

Do you think that the presence of curry houses, and Pizza parlours on our High Streets are examples of those "who are seeking to subvert our culture and religion and indeed take it over"? - Perhaps you should look at the impact of globalisation and of finance capitalism as prime drivers which are destroying our way of life....


I dispute it is rubbish, like you I celebrate the diversity of our culture, I like Pizza, I like Mo Farrah, I love curry. I type this whilst listening to my Bob Marley collection.


I too fear the incursions of globalization, indeed the increasing militancy of the religious right may well be a reaction to globalization. None the less I am not aware of any capitalist that wants to subvert my culture or take over our schools. No capitalist has turned up at Wootton Basssett to mock and vilify dead British soldiers.


Capitalists make the money and (despite what you read) pay he taxes, create the wealth, the jobs that make this country despite the depredations of two world wars, and the LABOUR party over the last hundred years one of the most prosperous and the best to live in. If it wasn't then those born in Bongo Bongo land wouldn't all be queuing up at Calais trying to get in.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 12:23 ----------


With immigration comes different cultures and beliefs- if you welcome these persons then why call their beliefs 'alien'?


This country is probably one of the most tolerant which allows people of different religious backgrounds/cultures to freely practice their belief- making UK a multi cultural society- a strength IMO.


Allowing for temples, gudwaras, mosques, synogogues- along with the churches of course, to exist and allow the followers to use these to buildings to become involved in their community and religion.


I accept that there are bad apples in every community- we should be united to oust out groups or individuals who create friction and disunity-be they far right or religious fanatics.


I fully respect your comments, I do however fear your naivety, it is similar to the well meaning but misguided opinions regarding Nazism and Hitler.

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None the less I am not aware of any capitalist that wants to subvert my culture or take over our schools.


Christians and Catholics have taken over our schools.


I think ALL faith schools should be abolished! Religious Education should be taught on a level playing field, to people of all faiths in the UK, but that's as far as religion and schools should go. Religion should be for private time and not forced upon anyone, extreme or not.

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Birmingham Schools.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 12:15 ----------



I dispute it is rubbish, like you I celebrate the diversity of our culture, I like Pizza, I like Mo Farrah, I love curry. I type this whilst listening to my Bob Marley collection. How very cosmopolitan of you:rolleyes:


I too fear the incursions of globalization, indeed the increasing militancy of the religious right may well be a reaction to globalization. None the less I am not aware of any capitalist that wants to subvert my culture or take over our schools. No capitalist has turned up at Wootton Basssett to mock and vilify dead British soldiers.


Capitalists make the money and (despite what you read) pay he taxes, create the wealth, the jobs that make this country despite the depredations of two world wars, and the LABOUR party over the last hundred years one of the most prosperous and the best to live in. If it wasn't then those born in Bongo Bongo land wouldn't all be queuing up at Calais trying to get in.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 12:23 ----------



I fully respect your comments, I do however fear your naivety, it is similar to the well meaning but misguided opinions regarding Nazism and Hitler.


I never said capitalists turned up at Wootton Basssett to mock and vilify dead British soldiers, I was responding to your claim about cultures other than British seeking to usurp 'our way of life' as you see it.

But if you can't see beyond people turning up at Wootton Bassett to mock dead British soldiers as examples of culture being subverted then you are showing your ignorance and shallowness.

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Christians and Catholics have taken over our schools.


I think ALL faith schools should be abolished! Religious Education should be taught on a level playing field, to people of all faiths in the UK, but that's as far as religion and schools should go. Religion should be for private time and not forced upon anyone, extreme or not.



I completely agree with you regarding religion, of any kind in school. I could argue that the Christian church was of various denominations founded educational establishments and we should respect that. However as of the 21st century I agree with every word of what you have submitted.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 16:59 ----------


I never said capitalists turned up at Wootton Basssett to mock and vilify dead British soldiers, I was responding to your claim about cultures other than British seeking to usurp 'our way of life' as you see it.

But if you can't see beyond people turning up at Wootton Bassett to mock dead British soldiers as examples of culture being subverted then you are showing your ignorance and shallowness.


Why, when you are incapable of arguing the matter out do you, and others revert to seeking to belittle me personally, because I disagree with you I am ignorant and shallow.


If you are having difficulty substantiating your argument then research, think, and try to come up with an alternative argument.

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