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Will drug users in the North become more stigmatized due to GDP change

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(Reuters) - British gross domestic product is likely to be revised up by almost 5 percent in September because research and development costs, black-market activities and other changes will be included, the country's statistical agency said on Tuesday.


Countries across Europe are implementing new European Union statistical rules - which among other things require estimates of the profits from prostitution and drug-dealing to be included in national accounts.


The Office for National Statistics estimated last month that drugs and prostitution would add almost 1 percent to British GDP, and said the total changes would raise GDP by 4-5 percent.


Drug use is often frowned upon in the UK.


However, drug use is now to be included in the GDP figures.


Hardworking families containing prostitutes, their clients, drug dealers and drug users are boosting UK GDP and strengthening our economy.


Basically this means that smoking a crack pipe is helping to prop up a Tory government.


You have to wonder if the changes to the way we measure GDP will result in drug users in the North becoming more stigmatized?


Perhaps drug use down South will be celebrated.


With so much cocaine in the water supply, with London the cocaine capital of Europe. Perhaps Boris Johnson is planning to use water cannon on the streets of London in a heatwave in order to crudely recrystalise the biggest line of cocaine ever known to man along the streets of London in order to boost GDP...


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