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£5 Million of Heroin in carpets at Manchester Airport.

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Or make carpets illegal.


just out of interest, does anybody know if the carpets were any good? Like good quality carpets? To throw them off the scent? Or were they crap carpets?

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Or bring back the death penalty for drug dealers / smugglers . I know which option i prefer.


That's exactly the option that a morally stunted, emotionally withered, rather pathetically ill informed, and deeply misguided individual would prefer.


Have you considered moving abroad? We could do with fewer extremists here thanks.

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Well its thanks to the USA and UK that heroin is in mass production, as without our help it would have been eradicated.


We protected the farmers growing the stuff, why because it gave them an income, and now Afghanistan gives the world 95%% of the heroin.


So out intervention in Afghanistan was not such a waste of time, we helped global trade, encouraged farmers to become self sufficient, so why the hysteria, when we sanctioned such a growth in trade?


It reminds me of how we shoved opium down the throats of the Chinese a hundred years or so, forced them to become drug addicts, and without using gunboat diplomacy it would never have been possible to sell it in China. Now we allow it to be sold to our own, while pretending it is a bad thing, while supporting its production. Politicians, DON't Ya Just LUVE them?


This is too simplistic erebus. With a bit of nonsense mixed in for good measure too.


Well its thanks to the USA and UK that heroin is in mass production, as without our help it would have been eradicated.


That bold is nonsense. Absolute nonsense, if you want a more accurate response.


We protected the farmers growing the stuff, why because it gave them an income, and now Afghanistan gives the world 95%% of the heroin.


They tried using their land to grow 'nice' crops under the taliban, and made nowt.


You are just seeing the idealistic point of view.


If you were a farmer, and you had the choice of producing A, or producing B:


A made sod all, and B kept you and your family, then you'd be an idiot to grow A. It's that simple.


There is plenty of legitimate business and medicinal use for these plants, but since they are illegal, then the drug pushers tend to get it, because the price is higher.


Poor farmers have morals too - 'feed your family'.


If the British army started burning down these fields, what do you think the reception would be?


So out intervention in Afghanistan was not such a waste of time, we helped global trade, encouraged farmers to become self sufficient, so why the hysteria, when we sanctioned such a growth in trade?



Politicians, DON't Ya Just LUVE them?


Who is we?! I didn't vote for Labour and Blair's war-crimes.




You just can't see anything that is real. Many can't, to be fair to you, because like you, they live in this Cinderella bubble.


I did agree with some of the last paragraph of yours, but you used it wrongly in context. I don't think that the British government is encouraging the use of Heroin by allowing* it to be cultivated.







*you used the word supported

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Its time to face up to the fact that the war on drugs was lost years ago. Prohibition has never worked, indeed it encourages criminality.


Possession and use of drugs should be de criminalized and considered a medical problem. Drugs should be freely available to registered addicts on prescription.


This would do away with all criminality in relation to drugs and whilst expensive to the NHS savings on crime would more than make up for it.

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Or bring back the death penalty for drug dealers / smugglers . I know which option i prefer.


I know which is more likely too. Thankfully your stupid mentality will die out with you and your lost generation!!

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