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£5 Million of Heroin in carpets at Manchester Airport.

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Heroin is pushed, manufactured, and farmed all thanks to our governments policies on terrorism. So in Afghanistan production and farming was encouraged, as well as distribution, while reinforcing its criminalization here back in the UK.


This is what we did, and practiced in Afghanistan, and all the justifications in the world cannot dispute the facts.


We could have adopted the Chinese approach, which is to build infrastructures, create jobs, add a noticeable quality to the lives of ordinary people, but our chosen way is though war and not trade. We smash up countries China build better countries from the base upwards without firing a shot. We give most aid though selling defense goods, as in weaponry, thus creating nothing of any value for ordinary people, while increasing the power and resources for population repression, while telling the world we spread freedom and democracy.


So the drug war is a false flag exercise, so the dump public will believe in yet another fear, thus allowing the government to lie it is protecting the people while exploiting them all it can.

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Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, these are just the tip of the iceberg of countries that are almost entirely full of people who are morally stunted, emotionally withered, rather pathetically ill informed, and deeply misguided, which one would be best ?


Well let`s see now,stoning to death for having sex, hanging for marrying someone from a different religion, chopping hands off for stealing, chopping heads off for all sorts of reasons. Oh, you forgot India- raping teens then hanging them from trees. Lovely people. Yes I think Boothy has a point.



I know what you are, i've seen that clip of you on YouTube :hihi:


Come on then, let`s be seeing a link:D


They have the death penalty for murder in the USA? Do you think there are no murderers there?


You are missing the elephant in the room. You really do have no idea just how many murders they WOULD have if they did not have that penalty in those states.


What was it Jack Nicoloson said in a few good men,"while tragic it probably saves lives"


---------- Post added 16-06-2014 at 00:01 ----------


Could you be a little more polite to people you disagree with please? It's starting to grate.


I seem to recall that it is against forum rules to attack the poster(s) , as opposed to the post. Mods!!:help:


---------- Post added 16-06-2014 at 00:21 ----------


just out of interest, does anybody know if the carpets were any good? Like good quality carpets? To throw them off the scent? Or were they crap carpets?


They were not bad quality. Just found a pic (to go with my OP) of one of the smugglers preparing the shipment.


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