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In the so called Bible-belt of the Netherlands kids were dying because of measles only a few years ago. 'God's will'. As my grandad said: "It's God's will to have vaccinations as well, I think he is smarter than letting us die."

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Bloom though did have his children vaccinated - albeit with three seperate ones rather than a single MMR jab.
Indeed, and I now realise belatedly that I wrote my first post with an unfortunate turn of phrase: "one way or the other by the example of Mr Bloom" was not meant to include him amongst those parents whom I think should pay for treatment, on the contrary I meant to exclude parents who have their child vaccinated one way (MMR) or the other (separate vaccines) with it.


Relevant post now edited, and my apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

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Nah, I'm more reactionary: I think parents who refuse to have their child vaccinated (contrary to those who do it one way or the other, by the example of Mr Bloom above), should then be made to pay for the treatment which their child receives, should the child fall ill precisely due to non-vaccination (after the child has received it, of course...I'm not a monster ;)).


"Put your money where your beliefs are" and "don't expect the community to bail out your deliberate choices" sort of approach.


But then you risk not being in a position to afford to get treatment for your child.

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I know someone who was 'anti-vaccination', they were vegan hippie types living in a disgusting van.

Two of their kids got TB and the council removed them from the family for a while.


I guess the power of love didn't protect them :hihi: :hihi:

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But then you risk not being in a position to afford to get treatment for your child.
All the more reason for you to heed medical advice and accept preventive treatment provided for free?


Note that this does not mean "do as the man in white says" all the time and regardless.


But as regards e.g. the MMR, the spurious claims made about its after-effects and regrettably over-amplified by the story-starved and sensationalism-hungry mass media were very quickly debunked by highly-respected practitioners and organisations, entirely unsurprisingly...sufficiently early and with sufficient noise, that disquieted parents could then be reassured and proceed with it.


In the face of medical expertise and evidence, a refusal by the parent(s) to get their child vaccinated for whatever reason (be it religious, political opinion/objection, lack of involvement, lack of understanding <etc.>) should have consequences. Otherwise it's just compounding the budget woes of the NHS for such religious, political opinion, lack of involvement, lack of understanding <etc.> reasons.


Can't have cake and eating it, it's high time the Gvt started to let people carry more personal responsibility for their life choices. In context, the Gvt was and is still doing its job, getting kids vaccinated against severe and well-known illnesses for free. If parents do not want to avail of the opportunity, it is their decision, so theirs to live with and be responsible for.

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The Nederlands has a bible belt? Whereabouts is this then - it's not something I've really encountered before.


Its quite a stretch in the rural middle of the country, from Epe/Ede/Wageningen north to Staphorst/Meppel. Family of mine lived in Staphorst when I was growing up, on Sunday's you weren't even allowed to play ball-games in the park... dreadful place, governed by the extreme protestants (Zwarte kousen/streng gereformeerd - they refer to themselves as orthodox-protestant and are the worst type of Calvinists around in my book.)

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Its quite a stretch in the rural middle of the country, from Epe/Ede/Wageningen north to Staphorst/Meppel. Family of mine lived in Staphorst when I was growing up, on Sunday's you weren't even allowed to play ball-games in the park... dreadful place, governed by the extreme protestants (Zwarte kousen/streng gereformeerd - they refer to themselves as orthodox-protestant and are the worst type of Calvinists around in my book.)


Heh I have clients in Amersfoort, Arnhem, Nijmegen and Emmen - I've surrounded them but never ventured inside it seemes!

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Heh I have clients in Amersfoort, Arnhem, Nijmegen and Emmen - I've surrounded them but never ventured inside it seemes!


Haha yeah, perfect circle, you are doing it right!


I think it is getting less severe now, but they still 'religiously' vote in the orthodox protestant party which up until last year banned women the right to vote and take part in the party.


Edit: seems I missed out the Southern stretch to Zeeland, shows you how Northern I am ;) Here is a map

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