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Things they find totally illogical in modern life!

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I tried to buy 3 packets of Paracetamol in the local supermarket. Sorry, the assistant said. I can only sell you two packets, but if I put one on one side, you can buy that separately!!! Or I could buy two packets at every checkout Does that make sense!!! Who else finds things are so illogical today!!

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Try buying a packet of paracetamol, a packet of ibuprofen and a packet of decongestant.


You can't buy all three together, because some monkey incorrectly classified the decongestant as containing paracetamol (when it specifically the non-paracetamol version)

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Try buying a packet of paracetamol, a packet of ibuprofen and a packet of decongestant.


You can't buy all three together, because some monkey incorrectly classified the decongestant as containing paracetamol (when it specifically the non-paracetamol version)



But you can buy 2 packs?:confused:


Or do they think ibuprofen contains paracetamol?

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And of course this is even more illogical because there's plenty of evidence that 32 paracetamol tablets (2 packs of 16) is plenty enough to for most people to cause liver damage severe enough to bring about a slow and lingering death, yet there is a very safe, inexpensive and well tolerated amino acid which reduces the toxicity of paracetamol by about 50% which could be included in all paracetamol pills, but has not been introduced.

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Oh and then you get the "it's illegal" for me to sell you more than two....


Really? Care to show me the law that says so?


The law states that you cannot have more than 16 in a pack, a pharmacy can sell a pack of 32, and you cannot buy more than 100 tablets, or 50g of paracetamol (more than 50g is a presciption only amount).


The "two packs" rule is a retailer policy - not statue law. Winds me up no end when they try and hide behind that instead of just saying that they are trying to inconvenience me.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 11:30 ----------


And of course this is even more illogical because there's plenty of evidence that 32 paracetamol tablets (2 packs of 16) is plenty enough to for most people to cause liver damage severe enough to bring about a slow and lingering death, yet there is a very safe, inexpensive and well tolerated amino acid which reduces the toxicity of paracetamol by about 50% which could be included in all paracetamol pills, but has not been introduced.


People would still be able to OD though - you want stop those determined. They really should put the retardant in childrens remedies like Calpol though, it costs that much that the minor cost of adding it really isn't going to move the retail price much.

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Every time I get an error on one of those blasted things I just pick the whole lot up, and dump it on the customer service till and ask them to sort it.




Hopefully one day a member of staff will tell you where to stick the shopping...

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Oh and then you get the "it's illegal" for me to sell you more than two....


Really? Care to show me the law that says so?


The law states that you cannot have more than 16 in a pack, a pharmacy can sell a pack of 32, and you cannot buy more than 100 tablets, or 50g of paracetamol (more than 50g is a presciption only amount).


The "two packs" rule is a retailer policy - not statue law. Winds me up no end when they try and hide behind that instead of just saying that they are trying to inconvenience me..


I doubt very much that the minimum wage bod on the till is trying to "hide behind" anything. They are just doing what they told to do from the chiefs above. They will be strictly told its company policy and any breaches would lead to disciplinary or dismissal.


Its no good getting wound up at them.


The law on paper is a maximum of six packs of 16 tablets - yes. But retailers can also have their own discretion. Many choose to do so.


If you are really that desprate for more than 32 pills at a time just nip into another store.


There really are bigger things to get in a hissy about.


PS: The retailers that do use the legal loophole and buck the restrictive trend for your convenience are criticised and shafted in the press like this..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1191067/Health-officials-fury-Poundlands-deadly-dose-48-paracetamol-pound-deal.html

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