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Things they find totally illogical in modern life!

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I doubt very much that the minimum wage bod on the till is trying to "hide behind" anything. They are just doing what they told to do from the chiefs above. They will be strictly told its company policy and any breaches would lead to disciplinary or dismissal.


Its no good getting wound up at them.


The law on paper is a maximum of six packs of 16 tablets - yes. But retailers can also have their own discretion. Many choose to do so.


If you are really that desprate for more than 32 pills at a time just nip into another store.


There really are bigger things to get in a hissy about.


PS: The retailers that do use the legal loophole and buck the restrictive trend for your convenience are criticised and shafted in the press like this..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1191067/Health-officials-fury-Poundlands-deadly-dose-48-paracetamol-pound-deal.html


Who says I get annoyed at the checkout? It's the customer avoidence desk that I go for that sort of thing.


I've got no problems with retailers using their own discretion. Lying and saying "it's the law" is a problem though - it's them being devious little sods to palm things off to someone else. Especially when that means I have to find another store, queue for ages and let a lot of shopping melt in the back of the car whilst I do so.


And do you really think I care what the Wail thinks? I wouldnt' dignify that rag by wiping my backside with it.

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I worked at Asda and their tills are set so you cannot scan in more than 2 items of medication which contain paracetamol, don`t know if its the same in all supermarkets


Yes, most are. Same with alcohol sales and under-18 staff - they can't complete the transaction without authorization, regardless of how angry the customer gets.


I think people forget how many rules are built into modern tills, they're not just a fancy calculator - the person offering to put the third pack on the side and put it through on a separate transaction was doing the OP a favour, they could have simply refused to sell the third pack.

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Its always puzzled me too. Do they think someone will be put off suicide because of the hassle of having to make repeat purchases?


actually it would appear to be the case.




you can never stop someone determined to commit suicide but for someone making a cry for help then disrupting the process can give them time to rethink their situation and seek help or allow other agencies to intervene.


a paracetamol overdose isn't a quick or pleasant way to get to meet you maker so anything to reduce them must be a good thing

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I was once organising a weekend away for 20 friends and bought 10 cases of lager, and several bottles of spirits and was then told "oh I can't sell you two packs of paracetemol" - never mind I've just bought enough booze to kill an elephant...

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actually it would appear to be the case.




you can never stop someone determined to commit suicide but for someone making a cry for help then disrupting the process can give them time to rethink their situation and seek help or allow other agencies to intervene.


a paracetamol overdose isn't a quick or pleasant way to get to meet you maker so anything to reduce them must be a good thing


So it's nothing to do with the fact it's a horrible way to die and has been well publicised as one of the most stupid ways to attempt to take your life??

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actually it would appear to be the case.




you can never stop someone determined to commit suicide but for someone making a cry for help then disrupting the process can give them time to rethink their situation and seek help or allow other agencies to intervene.


a paracetamol overdose isn't a quick or pleasant way to get to meet you maker so anything to reduce them must be a good thing


That's a great positive link, thanks for sharing. I wonder if more could be done at the checkouts if the operator finds someone trying to buy a lot of pills? Maybe just a simple flyer or card for the Samaritans or another organisation?

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I find illogical I get charged excess baggage cost of $105 per item of up to 23 Ks flying from somoa to sydney a couple of weeks ago(Iv'e been working over there)


yet the godziller flesh zepplin somoan seated next to me (must have weighed in at 300 kilo's. Not only did he take up half of my seat as well as his own and couldnt pull his tray table down, on his pot (ordered 2 meals and snored like a kango hammer ) dosn't get charged 1 cent extra:huh:


A arse measurer along the lines of the frame used to measure cabin carry-on luggage should be at every airport Just bend over and stick the arse in it, or at least try to. Unders are normal fare, others are fat fare.:thumbsup:

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Some airlines do operate a policy on fatties, your one didn't I guess.

I'd have demanded to be moved, or made him attempt to keep to his own part of the seat.


Damn airline seats are small enough as it is without someone else spilling over into it.

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