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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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Landlord's fury as shameless benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals' trashing home during party to celebrate move to new council house.


And here's more evidence.



Yet another professional Landlord has been forced to stop letting his properties out to those on benefits. You only have to look through the photographs to see why. This poor landlord had even refurbished the property at a cost of £5000 before they even moved in just so he could make their stay a more pleasant one. And how do they repay his kindness? By wrecking his property as they move on to another FREE house provided by the tax payer of course. Makes my blood boil. :rant:


People on benefits who require housing assistance should be made to prove beforehand that they are civilised human beings before they are allowed to rent property, otherwise a tent in a remote field cordoned off by a large barbed wire fence should be standard practice for these type of bad eggs.


More and more landlords are pulling out of LHA every day for similar disturbing reasons. Many accidental landlords who were forced to rent out their properties are now able to sell so even more properties which were once available to LHA tenants are now disappearing forever.


Very soon, there will be very few if ANY private landlords willing to let their properties out to anyone not in full time work with solid references. And those on benefits will only have themselves to blame. This is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds. You just see the standard of housing that will be available to those on benefits come 2020, you'll be wishing for that tent in the field. Karma!

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What's stopping him from suing them for the wilful damage?


The likelihood that he won't get a penny from them even when he wins in court, when you have nothing you can do as you please because you have nothing to loose.

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What's stopping him from suing them for the wilful damage?


blood out of a stone.


You could literally ask ANY letting agent, they will tell you, whenever one of the properties on their books gets wrecked, 99% will have been damaged by LHA tenants.

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The likelihood that he won't get a penny from them even when he wins in court, when you have nothing you can do as you please because you have nothing to loose.


blood out of a stone.


You could literally ask ANY letting agent, they will tell you, whenever one of the properties on their books gets wrecked, 99% will have been damaged by LHA tenants.


Surely there must be some consequences for vandals.

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The likelihood that he won't get a penny from them even when he wins in court, when you have nothing you can do as you please


Which is exactly why no further housing should be gifted to anyone on benefits until they've proven they can respect their existing property. Otherwise, take their children into care and throw the parents in jail where they can work 12 hour days manufacturing something like a Chinese factory worker. One way or another they should be forced to pay back their debt to society and not cost hard working tax payers even one penny.

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Do the Daily Mail do anything other than just hate-mongering against various social groups??


'My last tenants smashed up a load of furniture they’d got from social services. It cost me £1,000 to take it to the tip.


You want to be more selective about who you let rent your house mate.


Mr Feeney said: 'I have been renting out properties for over 30 years now


Mr Feeney who didn’t take a bond for his property, is now footing a repair bill


30 years experience and still making stupid mistakes??


Councillor Gillian Campbell, Blackpool Council’s cabinet member for housing, said: 'We sympathise with landlords who are faced with problems with tenants who leave their properties without meeting their financial obligations.


'This shows how vitally important tenant referencing and background checks are.


Key word missing here Gillian: OUR TENNANTS

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Do the Daily Mail do anything other than just hate-mongering against various social groups??


Is the evidence in the photos hate-mongering? The hate is being displayed by the tenants on benefits toward the nice landlord who put a roof over their heads. I think you need to have a word with yourself. Those photographs don't lie, they tell a common tale.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 17:03 ----------


You want to be more selective about who you let rent your house mate.


He was doing a nice thing, which is the point, he won't anymore. Lots of other landlords following in his footsteps. Can you imagine the waiting list for a council house in the future. Good luck with that one.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 17:06 ----------



30 years experience and still making stupid mistakes??


His only mistake was caring and trying to create a win win where he provided a nice home to those who are "less fortunate", code for lazy, whilst getting paid for it, but not anymore.

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He got burnt before when his previous tenant left a right old mess which cost him £1000 to clear up, he was stupid enough to let more of them in.


Sorry but if you've had previous bad experiences, you don't perform a proper background check or take a deposit then you can't go running to the papers when some scumbags ruin your house.


---------- Post added 11-06-2014 at 17:11 ----------


Is the evidence in the photos hate-mongering? The hate is being displayed by the tenants on benefits toward the nice landlord who put a roof over their heads. I think you need to have a word with yourself. Those photographs don't lie, they tell a common tale.


It focuses on one example of council tenants behaving badly, when thousands upon thousands of others are completely fine.


You don't see the story about Mrs Jones down the road, who's lived in a council place for 20 odd years and never missed any rent payments do you??

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He got burnt before when his previous tennant left a right old mess, he was stupid enough to let more of them in.


Not stupid at all, letting to those on benefits was his business model, you don't quit in business just because the going gets tough. However, you can only fight losing battles for so long before the war is lost. It states in the article that things are getting worse and worse when it comes to letting to those on benefits. He's finally had enough of trying to do the right thing. Like many other landlords. There is no arguing this situation, it is what it is, and here you are trying to defend their appalling behaviour and calling the victim of crime stupid!


You should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously.

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