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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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L00b, after the program airs on Channel 4 at 9pm this evening, feel free to post something like,


"I must hand it to you Coutts, you truly are the most inspirational and amazing property oracle, I apologise unreservedly for embarrassing myself and will continue to seek your guidance from now on".


In fact, don't post "something like this", just copy and paste it. Honestly, do I have to do everything in this thread!

Coutts, I have been a landlord for a fair few years (before the French Gvt made me jack it in), and rented privately both in Ireland and in the UK in recent years, so it's not as if I lack hands-on experience on the subject.


All that said, I'm a bit more grown up about things these days (I like to think :D) and much slower to make my mind about issues (and getting more and more open-minded).


It doesn't help at all that I rarely if ever see anything in shades of dark black and bright white ;)


As for Channel 4 documentaries, the less said the better, methinks. And "seeking your guidance"? PMSL, I'll give you that :hihi:

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L00b, after the program airs on Channel 4 at 9pm this evening, feel free to post something like,


"I must hand it to you Coutts, you truly are the most inspirational and amazing property oracle, I apologise unreservedly for embarrassing myself and will continue to seek your guidance from now on".


In fact, don't post "something like this", just copy and paste it. Honestly, do I have to do everything in this thread!


Sorry pal I will have to take your word for it The World Cup is on !

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I don't think he and his aliases does. He's just your basic troll, which is now a criminal offence by the way.


Come again??

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I am not trolling at all, you may not be comfortable with the subject matter but the only thing criminal in this thread is the property damage highlighted in the article and the lack of empathy for said criminal behaviour.


Untrue a lot of people have expressed empathy for what the LL has had to deal with in this case. What they do take offence at is your amazingly ignorant and broad sweeping untrue generalisations about LLs and people on benefits.

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Coutts, I have been a landlord for a fair few years (before the French Gvt made me jack it in), and rented privately both in Ireland and in the UK in recent years, so it's not as if I lack hands-on experience on the subject.


As for Channel 4 documentaries, the less said the better, methinks.


If I've learned anything about you L00b, it is that you have an open mind. If you haven't let social housing as a landlord, you have zero hands on experience in this matter and the mounting difficulties private landlords face letting to those in receipt of housing benefit.


It's crazy really because all social landlords want is a win win situation for themselves and their tenants, a help us to help you mentality. Sadly, good housing benefits tenants are going to be wrongfully tarred with the same brush. If private landlords leave the social housing sector which they are doing in droves, this is going to cause huge problems. Surely this should be stressed and the causes highlighted?

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If I've learned anything about you L00b, it is that you have an open mind. If you haven't let social housing as a landlord, you have zero hands on experience in this matter and the mounting difficulties private landlords face letting to those in receipt of housing benefit.
Well, according to your posts in this thread, such difficulties are essentially attributable to the scrote factor of HB tenants. This is objectionable on so many levels that I don't really know where to start from.


Moving on from that, I really don't think this is the case (if private landlords are going to take on HB tenants, surely they can't be expecting DINKY professionals tenant material :roll:), but that the capping of HB and the Gvt's continuous drive to improve its cashflow (with policies, in all but name, to delay and otherwise minimise benefit payments, e.g. with administrative suspensions of benefits on the most spurious of grounds) has a lot more to do with it. Coupled with the amateur factor, that makes for unhappy landlords, unsurprisingly.


A couple of interest rate rises should sort that in short order :twisted:

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If I've learned anything about you L00b, it is that you have an open mind. If you haven't let social housing as a landlord, you have zero hands on experience in this matter and the mounting difficulties private landlords face letting to those in receipt of housing benefit.


It's crazy really because all social landlords want is a win win situation for themselves and their tenants, a help us to help you mentality. Sadly, good housing benefits tenants are going to be wrongfully tarred with the same brush. If private landlords leave the social housing sector which they are doing in droves, this is going to cause huge problems. Surely this should be stressed and the causes highlighted?


Its you are the one thats doing the tarring by branding them all the same. If private LLs leave the social housing market and thier £16 billion pot of money then it will force an issue. The government might have to permit the LA's to build their own social housing again. Meanwhile ex LHA LLs will have to compete on the private market as well, so they will have their own problems to deal with. There are many LLs who do just fine even more than that by the system. You make it sound as though LLs are some sort of missionaries. The main reason you are a LL is to make money so dont kid yourself.


Thats whats breathtaking Loon he cant even see it.

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Well, according to your posts in this thread, such difficulties are essentially attributable to the scrote factor of HB tenants. This is objectionable on so many levels that I don't really know where to start from.


You do realise that this thread is about bad housing benefits tenants. That's what the thread is about. Discussing the story which appeared in all the major newspapers about bad tenants. It's not about rogue landlords. If you want to discuss rogue landlords, start a new thread on it.


And yes, the difficulties experienced by the landlord in the story WERE attributable to the bad egg HB tenants in his property. Lets call it like it is now. Nobody is saying that ALL HB tenants damage property, but there is a very alarming increase in the amount of damaged properties that are emerging from renting to this sector. What do you want to do, get all PC about it and hide the reality to save offending people? If something isn't done about it, many people could become homeless!

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Based on that contribtion, I don't think Carol Ann Duffy need worry :hihi: - though it was very entertaining

FYI, yes I am gay, but not angry or militant....I'd forgotten about Hillpig, but thanks for letting us all know that 'he' was another one of your little creations! I'm sure the mods will be most interested (though then again probably not).

By the way, I do not believe that Mecky is another one of your many personalities, that is mischief making on your part. Mecky expresses generally left wing views, the ramblings of your many creations are right wing, reactionary and acrid: hint (that's what makes them easy to spot).


What vaguely interests me is the time and energy you devote to these 'other lives', and the fact that they all seem to be well off or landlords or business men or somesuch. Now you say that this is to wind others up; but I'm not so sure....I think you're missing something.


I don't really like to wind people up at all. I do enjoy an argument. I am a Tory, so love rowing with you left wingers.


In truth, I enjoy S/F and I respect the opinions that I encounter, its just when I suffer a bit of abuse I tend to react.


I will undoubtedly be banned again, but please be aware I hate no one, I hope I entertain and irritate but I mean no harm and wish you well, all of you. Now I await the censure of the moderators and like Shane will ride off in the sunset.


Until I return. mmmmmmm Shane not a bad avatar.


PS I am not Mecky, never, ever, not even once


---------- Post added 12-06-2014 at 17:32 ----------


Perhaps he is part of the Conservative media hype to get us all thinking that the poor are feckless and lazy?


If that is what you are thinking then well done, obviously the plan is working, welcome to the fold.

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