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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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I've worked for a housing association.

Yes these problems do happen, yes per property they are expensive

BUT as a percentage of the benefits dependant tenants they are not a massive problem and the housing association still managed to recover its losses and turn over a profit (put back into organisation).


Well that explains your blasé attitude and lack of sympathy, you've failed to acknowledge that private landlords are real people and suffer very badly when malicious damage of this magnitude is dished out on their properties by HB tenants. It's not just about stats and making an overall profit by the numbers, it's about how many private landlords are pulling out of the sector because of so many individual cases of malicious damage. And still no words of support or sympathy from you. :(

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Well that explains your blasé attitude and lack of sympathy, you've failed to acknowledge that private landlords are real people and suffer very badly when malicious damage of this magnitude is dished out on their properties by HB tenants. It's not just about stats and making an overall profit by the numbers, it's about how many private landlords are pulling out of the sector because of so many individual cases of malicious damage. And still no words of support or sympathy from you. :(


Like any business, there's an element of risk.

But you can't go blaming an entire section of the poorest in society for the actions of a minority.




If one black male mugged someone in Sheffield, would it be ethical or truthful to brand every black male as a gangster criminal?




Make a sweeping statement that all crime in Sheffield is caused by black people because of the actions of one man?

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Like any business, there's an element of risk.

But you can't go blaming an entire section of the poorest in society for the actions of a minority.




If one black male mugged someone in Sheffield, would it be ethical or truthful to brand every black male as a gangster criminal?




Make a sweeping statement that all crime in Sheffield is caused by black people because of the actions of one man?


I'll repeat myself again shall I, nobody is saying that ALL HB tenants behave like this, but every month there are many cases of malicious damage caused by those on HB to private landlord properties, that's fact. So, if it continues, there will be a huge problem. Until you show some empathy and sympathy to the landlords, I can't discuss it with you anymore, it's too painful.

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Like any business, there's an element of risk.

But you can't go blaming an entire section of the poorest in society for the actions of a minority.




If one black male mugged someone in Sheffield, would it be ethical or truthful to brand every black male as a gangster criminal?




Make a sweeping statement that all crime in Sheffield is caused by black people because of the actions of one man?


Well it would certainly rule all white, brown and yellow people out.This assumes only one crime has been committed. This being the case, then black men would, statistically be more likely to come under suspicion.Red men would be completely in the clear unless it was dark, having said that if it was dark all the others could be suspect as well as women in trouser suits. Thankyou.

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But the documentary was just a day in the life of Castledyne

They presented no statistical evidence to back up the severity of your claim.


---------- Post added 13-06-2014 at 00:00 ----------


Well it would certainly rule all white, brown and yellow people out.This assumes only one crime has been committed. This being the case, then black men would, statistically be more likely to come under suspicion.Red men would be completely in the clear unless it was dark, having said that if it was dark all the others could be suspect as well as women in trouser suits. Thankyou.


Ha. But you know what I'm getting at. Even I have social stereotyped and branded sections of people. So I'm just as guilty. But sometimes you have to see the light.


The actions of a few should not formulate our opinions on a complete section of the community.

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I'll repeat myself again shall I, nobody is saying that ALL HB tenants behave like this, but every month there are many cases of malicious damage caused by those on HB to private landlord properties, that's fact. So, if it continues, there will be a huge problem. Until you show some empathy and sympathy to the landlords, I can't discuss it with you anymore, it's too painful.


When you consider how many billions are paid to landlords, any sympathy soon vanishes.


That is before you start counting all the indirect subsidies these people leech from government, essentially stealing all the income tax, council tax, Tv license, alcohol and cigarette duty levied upon the poorest.


---------- Post added 14-06-2014 at 01:18 ----------


Also look at the state of the bay window on the front of the house. I doubt the tenants caused that damage resulting from weathering over many years.


The landlord isn't looking after the property himself, why should he expect other people to?


If you don't take your shoes off in your own house, why should you expect anybody else?

If you're going to treat a property as a cash cow with no respect for the condition of man vs property, don't be surprised when somebody else does treats "your" property also with little respect.


The landlord should think himself lucky they did not sell the copper and slate, fill the property with waste and torch it.


He's out to make a quick buck at the expense of other people, why shouldn't people exploit landlords for maximum financial gain?

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Well I watched the C4 program about the letting agency Castledine who lets to predominantly housing benefit tenants - 99% of their client base.


They only showed us 3 problem tenants and one smashed up property.

They gave NO statistics out of their 99% client base such as:

How many clients where short term unemployed who'd just fell unlucky

How many where disabled customers

How many tenants actually were 'vulnerable'

How many tenants where in breach of their tenancy agreements

How many owed serious rent arrears

How many the usually have to evict for rent or antisocial behaviour

How many 'vulnerable' customers did or did not have a social dysfunctional problem?


All we had were the 4 examples with NO statistics to back those kinds of problems up.


I expect the majority of their tenants on benefits with or without a vulnerability lead exactable lives, pay their way, and don't impact on their neighbours.


Castledyne will have the usual regular small percentage of regular customers that take up all their time.


Well that's just it isn't it? It's all about public opinion

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