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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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When you consider how many billions are paid to landlords.


Every time a landlord gets paid it's because he put a roof over a homeless families heads. Probably best if you get your priorities in order.


All the rest of your post was nonsense, the landlord in the article and in the program spent thousands on the properties before they went to let in order to provide a nice environment for their tenants.

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Every time a landlord gets paid it's because he put a roof over a homeless families heads. Probably best if you get your priorities in order.


All the rest of your post was nonsense, the landlord in the article and in the program spent thousands on the properties before they went to let in order to provide a nice environment for their tenants.


The land lord in the story got screwed over by a bunch of idiots. Don't try and make out that land lords are some kind of saviour of the homeless, because they're not. They're in it for the money, as much as they can get.

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Don't try and make out that land lords are some kind of saviour of the homeless, because they're not.


Oh really, well what do you call providing a roof over their heads instead of having to live on the street, because if it wasn't for the private landlord stock, that's where they'd be.


The audacity of bad HB tenants who would otherwise be homeless damaging the very property provided to keep them safe. Well, make hay whilst the sun shines bad tenants because the clouds are coming.

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Oh really, well what do you call providing a roof over their heads instead of having to live on the street, because if it wasn't for the private landlord stock, that's where they'd be.


The audacity of bad HB tenants who would otherwise be homeless damaging the very property provided to keep them safe. Well, make hay whilst the sun shines bad tenants because the clouds are coming.


No they're not. Because if such landlords stopped taking in such tenants the land lords would have to either sell their houses and therefore make no money at all, or charge lower rents because Private rentals are horrendously expensive and too many people would be simply be unable to pay it.


That any tenants would treat a house in this way is unforgivable but you're off the deep end if you think these landlords are doing this for anything other than exploiting the benefits system for profit.

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The land lord in the story got screwed over by a bunch of idiots. Don't try and make out that land lords are some kind of saviour of the homeless, because they're not. They're in it for the money, as much as they can get.


No not all landlords . I rent out a nice house i bought as an investment for my grand children. Just spent £5.000 on it to make it nice. All i ask is for decent tenants to look after it. I told them to look after the house and i will look after them which i do. :confused:

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or charge lower rents


RENT? The rents FREE, Housing benefit! I KNOW! they damage property which they don't even have to pay for. An absolute disgrace!


---------- Post added 14-06-2014 at 20:31 ----------


No not all landlords . I rent out a nice house i bought as an investment for my grand children. Just spent £5.000 on it to make it nice. All i ask is for decent tenants to look after it. I told them to look after the house and i will look after them which i do. :confused:


There you go, a wonderful landlord as if you needed any more proof!

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Landlord's fury as shameless benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals' trashing home during party to celebrate move to new council house.


And here's more evidence.



Yet another professional Landlord has been forced to stop letting his properties out to those on benefits. You only have to look through the photographs to see why. This poor landlord had even refurbished the property at a cost of £5000 before they even moved in just so he could make their stay a more pleasant one. And how do they repay his kindness? By wrecking his property as they move on to another FREE house provided by the tax payer of course. Makes my blood boil. :rant:


People on benefits who require housing assistance should be made to prove beforehand that they are civilised human beings before they are allowed to rent property, otherwise a tent in a remote field cordoned off by a large barbed wire fence should be standard practice for these type of bad eggs.


More and more landlords are pulling out of LHA every day for similar disturbing reasons. Many accidental landlords who were forced to rent out their properties are now able to sell so even more properties which were once available to LHA tenants are now disappearing forever.


Very soon, there will be very few if ANY private landlords willing to let their properties out to anyone not in full time work with solid references. And those on benefits will only have themselves to blame. This is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds. You just see the standard of housing that will be available to those on benefits come 2020, you'll be wishing for that tent in the field. Karma!



Granted the house is in a bit of a mulox, but it's only superficial it seems. Half a day cleaning up and half a day with the paint brush would put it right.


Still it does not excuse the tenants who left it in this state.



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Not stupid at all, letting to those on benefits was his business model, you don't quit in business just because the going gets tough. However, you can only fight losing battles for so long before the war is lost. It states in the article that things are getting worse and worse when it comes to letting to those on benefits. He's finally had enough of trying to do the right thing. Like many other landlords. There is no arguing this situation, it is what it is, and here you are trying to defend their appalling behaviour and calling the victim of crime stupid!


You should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously.


'letting to those on benefits was his business model' Why? because he can charge higher rents and the BA will pay. If he is stupid enough to let to people likely to wreck his property then tough. It is usually obvious if a prospective tenant is the type to damage property and it is his choice to let to that market. If there are no longer any private landlords willing to provide decent homes to those on benefit regardless of their background as a matter of course then they will be in for a shock. A home is a human right and either the Local Authority or Central Government will have to act. That will mean either legislation compelling private landlords to let homes to benefit recipients or the compulsory purchase of the properties by the local authority in order to meet its obligation to the homeless. Either way the private landlords lose out.

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