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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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Granted the house is in a bit of a mulox, but it's only superficial it seems. Half a day cleaning up and half a day with the paint brush would put it right.


Still it does not excuse the tenants who left it in this state.




If all you did was half a day tidying and half a day with a paintbrush youd end up with the kind of finish youd not accept in your own home so i personally wouldnt expect a decent rental from it in that state.

I think alot of people have very low expectations from a rental properties finish.

Alot of landlords take pride in the property they rent out,it seems this landlord is one of them with the money he has spent in the first instance so i doubt he would be happy spending the bare minimum putting it right.

I bet he feels betrayed and gutted about this as i would.


To the people on here who state that landlords are just out for the cash then thats not always the case at all. Remember that the rental house is the owners property and as such alot of them actually care about the property and its condition, although i accept thats not always the case with "slum" landlords.

Its not fair or correct to lump them all together at all.

Its like anything in life, if you provide a superior service you can expect a premium for that and rightly so.

The problems arise from the contempt some are showing to private landlords thinking that even the good ones who take care and value the property are just millionaires who deserve all they get! Its a very shortsighted point of view.


What do the people who say they are all out purely for profit expect? A landlord who take care and provides a property to tennants to just take the bare minimum in rent for it.?

If you did youd soon come a cropper and end up out of pocket,lets say for example that a washing machine or cooker you provided developed a fault! The tennant expects a quick solution to this and rightly so. If youre just charging the bare minimum as some expect then where does the money come from for the repair or replacement? Maybe a cost of £200-£400 to sort it and youve rented out for nothing! No profit or incentive to actually rent it out in that case is there?


In this case the landlord seems a decent bloke and has no recourse now at all, as has been said " you cant get blood from a stone".

Even a successfull day in court for damages doesnt guarantee you your money back.

A good tennant is hard to find as much as a good landlord is too.

With no guarantee that a tennant will pay for damages etc and no assurances from councils that the people they are putting forward for your property are decent theres no wonder some wont accept dss.

Its wrong to tar everyone with the same brush i know but as its your property at risk would you personally take the chance or just not accept dss?

I accept that dss tennants arent all bad,that goes without saying. As a side issue though, if your tennant is paying the rent from a wage then at least youll know you may have some recourse if the worse were to happen, trying to get damages from someone on dss payments is a none starter.

The bond money would not cover this kind of damage and anyone who has ever had to withold some bond money will tell you the problems that arise and low prices tennants think sorting damage will cost! " my mate dave from the pub would sort that for £20"! Yeah unqualified bodger dave who will leave you with the property in a worse state than it was when you initially rented it out,and in a state that the tennant in question wouldnt have accepted or had to live in.

Ask yourself why the council housing stock has diminished in the first place! Its a hassle they have passed down to private landlords to sort out because it was costing them too much.

In short, not all landlords are slum landlords and not all tennants are like the ones in the op, when both sides find a good landlord or tennant then its not out of the way to expect respect for property.

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Why oh why oh why do some members jump on the political wandbagon at the first opportunity!


In the real world landlords have to make a profit otherwise they would not rent out properties.


I have rented out a few properties over the years and I find the majority of tenants, be they working or on benefits, do actually care about where they dwell. I'm not sure if the word houseproud still exists nowadays.


I have had some bad tenants and, unfortunately, that's a way of life nowadays.

People's circumstances change. They may no longer be in work. They may get divorced or separated or whatever.

I rented out a property fairly recently. I had only recently redecorated it at some considerable expense.

The place was a mess. I had to redecorate it again, including new carpets.

So I have made zilch over the last few years.


It's no use stating I'll make a profit when I sell it, as who knows what property prices will be like in 10 or 15 years' time? I might not even be around then.


There will always be good and bad tenants.There will always be good and bad landlords.

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As a tenant on benefits I would love for a system to be in place where a landlord would consider me- I can easily prove I'm a good tenant. I can even pay 6 or 12 months in advance as I have savings. I did this at my last place and it secured me a home when I was leaving my ex. My current landlord is lucky to have a tenant like me and would provide a reference to that effect, but it was a 'computer says no' situation when I was thinking of moving last year- it's the fact that my son is disabled that we have so little choice of housing::(

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most people who trash their accommodation happen to be unemployed and receive HB.


Which is exactly why regular and thorough quarterly checks should be made as to how the person on benefits is living and treating their FREE property. If they can't respect the property provided by the tax payer and be courteous and civil to their neighbours, three strikes and they're out of the house and out of the system.

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'A Human Right'! Where does I state that?

So why do we have so many homeless people on the streets?


Not very often that I see homeles people.


Councils should be forced to provide 'basic' homes to a good standard for those that cannot do it for themselves.

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