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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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He spent £5000 on the property, not furniture. So it sounds like it was let unfurnished


Imagine that, the landlord provided them with a lovely FREE new home but didn't throw in free furniture as well. THE CHEEK!


The freeloading property days will be confined to history soon enough. In fact, in future, people will laugh at the very idea.

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The freeloading property days will be confined to history soon enough. In fact, in future, people will laugh at the very idea.


What, and cause house prices to crash because no one can afford them, not a chance.

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What, and cause house prices to crash because no one can afford them, not a chance.


As in the days of someone on benefits getting a free property provided by a private landlord. The private landlord stock will be gone soon enough and those on benefits will only have themselves to blame. Demand is going to massively outweigh supply, where will the homeless go when this happens?

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Imagine that, the landlord provided them with a lovely FREE new home but didn't throw in free furniture as well. THE CHEEK!


The freeloading property days will be confined to history soon enough. In fact, in future, people will laugh at the very idea.


he merely pointed out that your post was misleading. Spending £5,000 to renovate a property is different than spending it on the tenants directly.


I found a lot of what you posted about people on benefits incredibly ignorant and generalist.


The tenants behaviour looks like a disgrace, but such incidents also happen when renting to private tenants as well. You try and make it sound as though he let the property because he was being altruistic, but in fact he was letting it to get the rent just the same as every other LL. What he might have done is vet his tenants properly, do inspections and take out some insurance.

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The tenants behaviour looks like a disgrace


Yes, it certainly does!


but such incidents also happen when renting to private tenants as well.


Ask any letting agent or landlord about the many trashed properties they come across and they will all tell you the same thing, housing benefit tenants are the culprits 99% of the time. There's a reason why many BTL mortgage lenders won't allow the properties they lend on to be made available to LHA tenants, can you guess why that is. Just like the camera, the stats don't lie.

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Yes, right on the mark as always RJ. More proof as if any were needed, Ron won't let to those on benefits so that's another Landlord who's obviously been put off in the past from hearing about such cases. it's only going to get worse. Demand is going to far outweigh supply. There will be trouble ahead.



Which is good for us landlords as rents will rise .


---------- Post added 12-06-2014 at 00:12 ----------


As for all the landlords bailing out renting to people on benefits, then the budget last year for housing benefit was second only to pensions and it was £16.94 billion. Someone somewhere is doing very well out of it.


Yeah , us private landlords. :)

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Coutts would have you believe


In 5 years time, there will be few if any private landlords left willing to let their properties to those on benefits, suddenly being on benefits won't seem like so much fun anymore. But it will be too late then. Only the stupid bite the hand that feeds and only the uneducated sympathise with them. Society will be much worse off when private landlords leave this sector. I have spoken.



Somehow I dont see a pot of £16.94 billion being given up so easily. he makes out that LL are some sort of altruistic angels.... err no, they are in it to make money (quite rightly), but lets not pretend otherwise. There are poor tenants, but they arent all on benefits many of them can be private and working. There are also very bad landlords.

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The buy to let market has a lot to answer for, please don't expect me to feel sorry for some scrounger that thought it would be a great use of his money to fleece both tax payer and tenants.


A 3 bedroom property for £400/month.


The tenants aren't working according to the story so how are they being fleeced? And how much do you think a 3bed property is worth per month? Does the council offer for much less for a 3bed?


Buy to Let parasites generally create poor accommodation at extortionate rents and produce nothing in return. The amount of crappy rented accommodation I've seen that has been poorly maintained by greedy little halfwits that don't have the first idea is shocking.


Isn't that as judgemental and generalising as all the rest of the posters who are accusing the DM of the same?


I've rented most of my life, and if somewhere was a crappy place, I either didn't take it for that reason, or took it as it was cheap and all I could afford. If I'm not paying much, I don't expect much.


The buy to let market needs more regulation and landlords should be licensed and kept in check to reduce the flood of cowboys and incompetents profiteering from the current housing crisis.


Bold, perhaps.


Vote Labour. That's what they plan to do to all landlords, not just the ones you mention.


Good luck with the results, because if people have to offer 3 year tenancies, then no one will give ANY of their properties to benefit claimants. Especially if the rent is paid directly to the tenants rather than the landlord.


You'll see what a housing crisis is then :)


It's a good time to buy knackered old hotels methinks. They'll be full of people who can't be housed.





As for the £5grand, that could easily be true, but words altered. If the place needed a new boiler and rads, it'd probably make up most of that.

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