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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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At the end of the day, it's the governments responsibility to provide housing for people who are, shall we say, predisposed to this sort of behaviour. A private landlord has a choice! If he wants to stop letting to people on benefits, that's his call! If all landlords decided to stop renting to people on benefits so be it. I'm all for it being like it used to be, you knew which areas to avoid because all the nasty people lived in one area. Now people are spread out and forced to "integrate" which doesn't work. Instead of the one nasty family on the street behaving because there is 30 good families, the 30 good families all live in fear of the one family. Why not stick the scumbags together and leave the decent houses for decent people? Then private landlords have less chance of getting a bunch of numptys and everyone else doesn't have to put up with them!

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Landlord's fury as shameless benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals' trashing home during party to celebrate move to new council house.


Yet another professional Landlord has been forced to stop letting his properties out to those on benefits. You only have to look through the photographs to see why. This poor landlord had even refurbished the property at a cost of £5000 before they even moved in just so he could make their stay a more pleasant one. And how do they repay his kindness? By wrecking his property as they move on to another FREE house provided by the tax payer of course. Makes my blood boil. :rant:


People on benefits who require housing assistance should be made to prove beforehand that they are civilised human beings before they are allowed to rent property, otherwise a tent in a remote field cordoned off by a large barbed wire fence should be standard practice for these type of bad eggs.


More and more landlords are pulling out of LHA every day for similar disturbing reasons. Many accidental landlords who were forced to rent out their properties are now able to sell so even more properties which were once available to LHA tenants are now disappearing forever.


Very soon, there will be very few if ANY private landlords willing to let their properties out to anyone not in full time work with solid references. And those on benefits will only have themselves to blame. This is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds. You just see the standard of housing that will be available to those on benefits come 2020, you'll be wishing for that tent in the field. Karma!


Why the emphasis on the benefits?? Why not just tell it how it is? Family of utter brain dead morons smashed up landlords house?

Oh, sorry, just realised it's an article from the Daily Fail! AKA the atonal toilet paper!

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Just like the camera, the stats don't lie.


Whilst I agree with the general gist of the thread, I disagree with this. Statistics are warped, bent & shaped to make things look better in a lot of cases.


Employment and crimes figures off the top of my head.

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You should treat any story from the Daily mail with extreme caution. They have an agenda. that is not to say it doesnt happen or the tenants who did that werent disgusting, but the big fail is with the OP in all the ridiculous conclusions he draws and prejudices he has against people that might be on benefits in general and the saintly charitable position of LL.

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... These comments are just getting more ridiculous by the minute.



You started it! :|


You've had a deserved kicking on here for your vilification of "people on benefits" - you talk as though people claiming their welfare entitlements are a different species. You and your sort need to take a good look at yourselves. You're talking about other humans in a disparaging and offensive way....and taking a stand form the poor oppressed landlords perspective is making it worse for you

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You started it! :|


You've had a deserved kicking on here for your vilification of "people on benefits" - you talk as though people claiming their welfare entitlements are a different species. You and your sort need to take a good look at yourselves. You're talking about other humans in a disparaging and offensive way....and taking a stand form the poor oppressed landlords perspective is making it worse for you


You got it in a word - my bold - the fact that people think they are entitled to free money at everyone else's expense (well not everyone, only those paying enough into the pot to be a net contributor). Entitled? FGS it's paid for by other people, scrounged for more like.

If the landlords didn't take on these properties do them up with a bit of nouse and capital, they wouldn't be available to less adequate people in small easy to pay monthly chunks and the constant whining about "my toilet's blocked" (well don't flush nappies down it then), the radiator's leaking (well try not standing on it), the window's broken (try not throwing something through it), with neighbours phoning up to ask the tenant not to have a party. It is constant hassle letting properties - but we do it for a profit/wage and it benefits us and tenants alike. It should be a virtuous circle, and is until low life trash it.

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You got it in a word - my bold - the fact that people think they are entitled to free money at everyone else's expense (well not everyone, only those paying enough into the pot to be a net contributor). Entitled? FGS it's paid for by other people, scrounged for more like.

If the landlords didn't take on these properties do them up with a bit of nouse and capital, they wouldn't be available to less adequate people in small easy to pay monthly chunks and the constant whining about "my toilet's blocked" (well don't flush nappies down it then), the radiator's leaking (well try not standing on it), the window's broken (try not throwing something through it), with neighbours phoning up to ask the tenant not to have a party. It is constant hassle letting properties - but we do it for a profit/wage and it benefits us and tenants alike. It should be a virtuous circle, and is until low life trash it.


Someone who is out of work IS entitled to JSA.............Someone who is unable to work, due to incapacitation IS entitled to DLA........Someone with a child IS entitles to child tax credits.


I'm sorry that you don't see it this way, but that's just how things are. You can bitch and moan all you want, but it's tough titty mate!!


After working hard through school & college, then through a job that I hated for many long, dark years; I'm ENTITLED to get some help from the government, as per the welfare system!

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Someone who is out of work IS entitled to JSA.............Someone who is unable to work, due to incapacitation IS entitled to DLA........Someone with a child IS entitles to child tax credits.


I'm sorry that you don't see it this way, but that's just how things are. You can bitch and moan all you want, but it's tough titty mate!!


After working hard through school & college, then through a job that I hated for many long, dark years; I'm ENTITLED to get some help from the government, as per the welfare system!


exactly....... QED

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Has anyone looked through all of those pictures, with a mind to the cost of repairs??


Really it's not that bad:


There's shy*e everywhere - requiring a skip to get rid of

The carpets are appranetly shot (they are clearly cheap and nasty, had similar in some of my homes)

There's grafitit on a couple of walls, needing thinners and paint.




All the doors are still attached, and seemingly undamaged

The windows all seem in tact

Peeling wallpaper can be seen in picture 5, so the decor needed a refresh anyway.

The Kitchen looks remarkably undamaged - no missing doors, no broken glass.

The furniture that is visible is clearly old and knackered anyway, however most of it has just been pushed over so could clean up and be re-used.


Honestly you'd spend a couple of days deep cleaning the place, and another couple re-painting and it'd be good to go again.

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