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Landlord's fury as benefits family behave like 'pack of wild animals.

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Has anyone looked through all of those pictures, with a mind to the cost of repairs??


Really it's not that bad:


There's shy*e everywhere - requiring a skip to get rid of

The carpets are appranetly shot (they are clearly cheap and nasty, had similar in some of my homes)

There's grafitit on a couple of walls, needing thinners and paint.




All the doors are still attached, and seemingly undamaged

The windows all seem in tact

Peeling wallpaper can be seen in picture 5, so the decor needed a refresh anyway.

The Kitchen looks remarkably undamaged - no missing doors, no broken glass.

The furniture that is visible is clearly old and knackered anyway, however most of it has just been pushed over so could clean up and be re-used.


Honestly you'd spend a couple of days deep cleaning the place, and another couple re-painting and it'd be good to go again.


Quit right. It looks bad because of the mess left on the floors. I've seen properties left like that because people are in a rush to get out before the bailiff turns up.


The fabric of the property hasn't been destroyed, so £2000 clear up costs sound a lot.

If he is insured, I bet that's the price he's give to the insurance company for putting stuff right?


Skip £200, Wilkinson's paint £50, ask another unemployed tenant if they want some fiddle work £50. Repair and clean the remaining furniture and advertise as part furnished. Just they can slap another £100 on the rent for fully furnished.

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The buy to let market has a lot to answer for, please don't expect me to feel sorry for some scrounger that thought it would be a great use of his money to fleece both tax payer and tenants.


Buy to Let parasites generally create poor accommodation at extortionate rents and produce nothing in return. The amount of crappy rented accommodation I've seen that has been poorly maintained by greedy little halfwits that don't have the first idea is shocking.


The buy to let market needs more regulation and landlords should be licensed and kept in check to reduce the flood of cowboys and incompetents profiteering from the current housing crisis.


I commend you for writing a wonderfully refreshing and honest post. You should post on here more often.

Much more honest than the lickspittles on here who pretend they're hotshot landlords with a property portfolio - why, I do not know....They probably spend too much time dribbling over 'Homes Under The Hammer', and not enough time looking for work :rolleyes:

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I own a property portfolio of about £3 million. It is made up of commercial (offices) and domestic 8 houses. All the houses were bought new to house East Europeans when Poland became a member of the EU about 2005.


I should add that the east Europeans were brought in to work at one of my companies. Recruited directly not through agencies.


Over the years as the immigrants assimilated into the community, and left the housing provided, I rented the houses to British tenants. Generally speaking there have been no issues other than one were, despite references, bond etc one British tenant left £10,000 of damage. No damage, or indeed any complaint was ever raised against the men from abroad.


Vetting prospective tenants is essential, and ensuring they are in long term work earning enough to pay the rent equally important. Regular inspections of the property are also most important.

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You've had a deserved kicking on here for your vilification of "people on benefits" - you talk as though people claiming their welfare entitlements are a different species. You and your sort need to take a good look at yourselves. You're talking about other humans in a disparaging and offensive way....and taking a stand form the poor oppressed landlords perspective is making it worse for you


I don't believe that I've had a "kicking" in the slightest. Nor have I vilified those on benefits, I've just told it exactly like it is. I'm trying to help those on housing benefit, to get them to see the error of their ways before it's too late and all the housing stock is removed by the PRS. I'm a hero not a villain.


What you guys need to realise is that 60% of the time, I'm right, every time! And this case is no different. To prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything I said was true, I provided photographic evidence which unbeliveably some of the more "challenged" of you still were not convinced by. You moaned the damage wasn't that bad, that it must be rubbish because the article was in the Daily mail, even though every other major ran with the story on the same day.


So, to prove once and for all that I am right, as usual, that benefits Britain is facing a new crisis from private landlords pulling out of the social housing market and that very desperate times are ahead for this demographic,


tonight on channel 4 at 9pm I suggest you watch Britain's Benefit Tenants, and afterwards, I shall expect some very embarrassed apologies. Don't worry, I won't give you too much of a hard time, if I can help you learn, then that's good enough for me. Now I must get on,


channel 4, 9pm, make sure you watch it!

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I own a property portfolio of about £3 million. It is made up of commercial (offices) and domestic 8 houses. All the houses were bought new to house East Europeans when Poland became a member of the EU about 2005.


I should add that the east Europeans were brought in to work at one of my companies. Recruited directly not through agencies.


Over the years as the immigrants assimilated into the community, and left the housing provided, I rented the houses to British tenants. Generally speaking there have been no issues other than one were, despite references, bond etc one British tenant left £10,000 of damage. No damage, or indeed any complaint was ever raised against the men from abroad.


Vetting prospective tenants is essential, and ensuring they are in long term work earning enough to pay the rent equally important. Regular inspections of the property are also most important.


Hang on a minute....You say you own a property portfolio worth £3 million; yet not 2 weeks ago you posted this on here saying that you work as a security guard....


Constant Security has some full and part time vacancies for event, also for education establishments, in Sheffield.


I work there, no problems, but, they are selective, and despite SIA badge still do 10 year vetting.


01709 590491


or apply online.


Hmm....Very suspicious :suspect:


There used to be someone on here called 'Xenia' (who also went under the pseudonym of 'RobCalder') who got caught out lying about how much money he had, yet was in fact a security guard. Is it you Xenia?

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I don't believe that I've had a "kicking" in the slightest. Nor have I vilified those on benefits, I've just told it exactly like it is. I'm trying to help those on housing benefit, to get them to see the error of their ways before it's too late and all the housing stock is removed by the PRS. I'm a hero not a villain.


What you guys need to realise is that 60% of the time, I'm right, every time! And this case is no different. To prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything I said was true, I provided photographic evidence which unbeliveably some of the more "challenged" of you still were not convinced by. You moaned the damage wasn't that bad, that it must be rubbish because the article was in the Daily mail, even though every other major ran with the story on the same day.


So, to prove once and for all that I am right, as usual, that benefits Britain is facing a new crisis from private landlords pulling out of the social housing market and that very desperate times are ahead for this demographic,


tonight on channel 4 at 9pm I suggest you watch Britain's Benefit Tenants, and afterwards, I shall expect some very embarrassed apologies. Don't worry, I won't give you too much of a hard time, if I can help you learn, then that's good enough for me. Now I must get on,


channel 4, 9pm, make sure you watch it!


Your full of crap pal,and the fact you believe all that drivel you have wrote is quite worrying.

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Since over the months rent has probably far exceeded the cost of damage they have been paying for his asset it's hard to say he has actually lost any money, in fact he has probably still gained in this scenario.


From my experience of Sheffield, rent can be -much- higher than typical mortgage repayments (Based on a 10% mortgage). This was evident when I moved from Renting > Buying. This is of course, dependent on the area. Near the city center you will get fleeced because of the location.


I moved from a 3 bed terrace where rent was £750 PCM. Last sale was for about 80K. With what the landlord did and the year between them it's likely it would have then been worth more around the 90K mark.

I moved to a 3 bedroom end of terrace, bought for 100K, with 10% deposit. My mortgage repayments are around £380 PCM.


It's not just the difference in the values which should be noted, my point is the fact the landlord still owns the asset, so gains for the landlord in that actuality are (rounded down) £1100 PCM for the above scenario. And the renter has nothing, thought only the renter will be paying anything monthly. Could touch on repairs, insurance etc but that's hardly a dint in the number.


Boo poor landlords. Profiteering from something that should be a basic human right is the lowest form of capitalism.

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Hang on a minute....You say you own a property portfolio worth £3 million; yet not 2 weeks ago you posted this on here saying that you work as a security guard....




Hmm....Very suspicious :suspect:


There used to be someone on here called 'Xenia' (who also went under the pseudonym of 'RobCalder') who got caught out lying about how much money he had, yet was in fact a security guard. Is it you Xenia?


I knew you would bite, hey ho another one in the net.

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