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Bipolar Disorder

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I'm aware that it's tempting, but I'd be very cautious in diagnosing yourself. It comes with all sorts of problems.

A member of my immediate family had bipolar disorder, and when she was younger was sectioned for many months in a psychiatric hospital.

I'm aware that there can be different degrees of this illness, but the people I know who are in treatment for it are prescribed Lithium which can be a very dangerous drug to take.

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Just seen my doctor this morning and he is sure I have not got bipolar disorder seeing as he has known me for some time, I said that am struggling with maintaining friendships and relationships with have so many extreme highs and lows but he is adamant that I have just probably got a heavy form of anxiety and depression and that with over 10 years having this now along with lack of sleep, damaging friendships and relationships and a range of thought patterns and behaviours associated with mental illness, not forgetting IBS and being mentally and physically drained resulting in chain reactions to other things, I think things are catching up to me.

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That sounds more probable Bedrock. Of course I don't know you, but I do know that people who have bi-polar often become pychotic (i.e. they lose contact with reality).

But I noticed that you reported that the doctor said "I have just probably got a heavy form of anxiety and depression": well having a heavy dose of anxiety and depression is bad enough, but coupled with IBS then it's easy to see why you are struggling with maintaining friendships & relationships and your thought patterns rae all skewiff.

Can I ask, has the doctor referred to a counsellor, as well as prescribing medication (I'm assuming that the doc has prescribed you medication). It sounds like from what you're saying that interpersonal therapy would be very beneficial if the depression is affecting your relationships.

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Bedrock have you ever had your Thyroid checked ? You can get all of those symptoms with Thyroid problems ! It really is worth getting it checked out .Make sure they do the anti body test as well as TSH ,T3 and T4 . There has been a recent study showing that Thyroid issues are closely linked with mental health problems . Hope you get to the bottom of it as anxiety is horrible !

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With these problems I hope that you are thinking carefully about the advisability of undertaking those counselling courses you were planning on. It may be a bit beyond you until you are better. Perhaps counselling and cognitive behaviour therapy might help. It sounds as if you are in a difficult situation right now and need help. I hope that you get it and begin to feel better. If you feel up to, do try to get out and about a bit in this better weather. Without over simplifying the situation, sunshine and fresh air can improve mental health, just as staying indoors for too long can make it worse.


There is a sense (from your posts) that you spend a lot of time alone, thinking about your problems. Sorry if I am wrong. If this is correct and you can think of something to occupy your mind - a hobby or other activity then that might help. You don't want to be too busy, but just occupied. For instance, are you interested in gardening? Maybe there is an elderly person nearby who you could help with their garden.


BTW are there any self help groups nearby? Might be worth investigating because in some cases people learn to manage their anxiety levels and can perhaps help you with yours.

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That sounds more probable Bedrock. Of course I don't know you, but I do know that people who have bi-polar often become pychotic (i.e. they lose contact with reality).

But I noticed that you reported that the doctor said "I have just probably got a heavy form of anxiety and depression": well having a heavy dose of anxiety and depression is bad enough, but coupled with IBS then it's easy to see why you are struggling with maintaining friendships & relationships and your thought patterns rae all skewiff.

Can I ask, has the doctor referred to a counsellor, as well as prescribing medication (I'm assuming that the doc has prescribed you medication). It sounds like from what you're saying that interpersonal therapy would be very beneficial if the depression is affecting your relationships.

Beware of the medication! try to steer clear.My son nearly topped himself on prescribed medication,his friend managed it!! He has only become more normalized since coming off the pills........which was a hell of a struggle.Drug companies have a lot to answer for.
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