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Questions about Elsworth Ltd. Wood Working Tools In Sheffield

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I hope someone can help me with this question. A Chair Manufacturing Co. in the USA, North Carolina recently closed it's doors after about 75 years. I bought a couple trailer loads of left over tools, etc. from what did not sell at auction. I found a wooden tray that contained over 30 blades that looked to me to go on a hand planer or a larger electric planer. They are each individually numbered and when you lay them against one another, they have a varying slant. I think this has something to do with the degree the blade will cut...?? Not a woodworker, so correct me please if, I'm wrong. I need all the info. I can get. The blades are 2 inches wide and about 3 inches tall and had the following info. stamped into them: Elsworth Ltd. ...... made in Sheffield, England ...... Gilt Edge ..... Super High Speed Steel. I can only assume that this is a set of some kind, but can someone enlighten me on the possible year these were made and a possible value. They still have an oily residue as I know fresh cut steel will have, but they also have some very light rust at the same area on each blade where they have been laying against each other in the tray. They have not been used, and look like a great set of New Old Stock Plane Blades.

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I worked at Elsworth in 1974/75 - for the small fire protection section of the company which had a staff of five. Included in the five were my Uncle Syd who also used to sell car park tickets when Wednesday were playing at home, as the Elsworth car park was very close to the hallowed stadium

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doesn't Sound like they where used, sometimes they would etch the date on them. Can't be sure what type of knife they are sound like side irons are they hss tipped or solid, that will determin the scrap value.. I worked at ELSWORTHS for 12 years from 1978 til it shut in 1990..happy days.

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