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Pubs on West Street with 'NO TRAINERS' policies

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Yes, but what I'm saying is that you have to set some sort of system for avoiding that and a dress code is the only way. Got a better suggestion?


Yes. Have a door policy based on the way people walk (or strut). Seriously, people with an attitude often walk with an attitude. The "no trainers" policy is ridiculous and probably does nothing to stop trouble. Or does wearing a shirt and nice pair of smart shoes calm the soul :loopy:

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I'm always amazed that you can get turned away from a pub in an expensive clean pair of trainers, but be let in wearing some of those cheap n nasty 'Pod' shoes with the metal bar over the front.


It should be about making an effort, not wearing a certain style.

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None of you people get it do you :roll: There has to be some sort of CRITERIA set, or the numpty doorstaff will let anybody in, trainers is as good a policy as any as it shows the person has made an effort to look reasonably smart. Hoodies speaks for itself, for gods sake you cant get in Meadowhell with a hoodie on

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keeping the trainer wearing hoodies out you do all you can to minimalize the chance of trouble.


It's a known fact that wearing a hoodie and trainers leads to violence, drugs and eventually death.......on whatever planet you're from.


Stereotyping as usual.

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Not sure about the trainers thing, i've only had that in The Cutler, but i have been asked for ID three times in the last two months on Div Street (which i take as a compliment since i'm 26) but i think the reasoning behind this is that most people that don't need ID don't carry it (why would they) an dthe bouncers have become wise to this fact and now have a new excuse to turn people away.


On Friday we were actually told to queue up, which we did obediently, only to have four scruffy looking lads walk straight past us and have the door opened for them by the bouncer!! My friend then asked if we could go in (bear in mind we'd been in the cold for 5 mins) and was THEN asked for ID (and by a girl who looked about 16 herself). :rant: Sorry, going off-topic....


Anyway, my point is there a lot of sly goings-on in the bouncer community around Div street at the mo, nothing would surprise me!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Seriously though - yeah I go to pubs in my hoody (Its SNOWING outside?!), I don't care whether you or anyone else thinks I'm attractive, I don't go out to pull, I go out to listen to music, see my mates n have a laugh. No i'm not from sheffield but I think you'll find lots who are will be more in support of what I have just written than your snotty snobbish 'I only wear designer clothes' attitude.


So :P


Good on you girl !!!

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I think West Street amd Division Street are both in grave danger of becoming 'designer' clothing bars......its only a matter of time before there comes a NO JEANS policy, and gentlemen having to wear 'proper' shirts and not T's.....I can see it coming......its all part of my 'gentrification of Sheffield' theory, which is what a lot of important people in this town are trying to do.


I went to West Street Live on Sat night wearing 'proper' shoes, and so was everyone else, not a TRAINER IN SIGHT! I did notice I got some disapproving looks off the bouncer for wearing jeans, but obviously that is not part of their door policy.....YET!!!

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