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Pubs on West Street with 'NO TRAINERS' policies

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I really think it's time to review 'dress codes', because different/unorthodox clothes, do not make 'trouble makers'. If we look at what goes on in nightclubs - fights,stabbings,drugs being pushed - all the people involved are in smart shoes,shirts,trousers. Dress codes are total rubbish and out-dated.


On a visit to New York, I was pleasantly surprised by their 'If ya gonna spend dollars - you're more than welcome!' policy and even more pleased to see business men in suits, talking to construction workers in worn jeans/baseball caps, all happy enough, no 'scruffs' causing trouble and the doormen, quite happily trying to make sure people got IN.


There's a pub in Rotherham called SNAFU (**** name) and it promotes itself as a live music venue. You know what they have on the front door? 'please remove hat'. I must have missed the meeting where all hat wearers were branded terrorists, hooligans and thieves?! What about people who are having chemotherapy? Bald and not confident enough to be out 'naked'? Utter crap codes, made up by utter crap people.



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I really think it's time to review 'dress codes', because different/unorthodox clothes, do not make 'trouble makers'. If we look at what goes on in nightclubs - fights,stabbings,drugs being pushed - all the people involved are in smart shoes,shirts,trousers. Dress codes are total rubbish and out-dated.


On a visit to New York, I was pleasantly surprised by their 'If ya gonna spend dollars - you're more than welcome!' policy and even more pleased to see business men in suits, talking to construction workers in worn jeans/baseball caps, all happy enough, no 'scruffs' causing trouble and the doormen, quite happily trying to make sure people got IN.


There's a pub in Rotherham called SNAFU (**** name) and it promotes itself as a live music venue. You know what they have on the front door? 'please remove hat'. I must have missed the meeting where all hat wearers were branded terrorists, hooligans and thieves?! What about people who are having chemotherapy? Bald and not confident enough to be out 'naked'? Utter crap codes, made up by utter crap people.




People are asked to remove hats so that their faces can be seen on the CCTV should they cause any trouble.


Also, people undergoing Chemo are generally exempt from this rule, in my personal experience.


The thing is though, they draw more attention by wearing a hat.

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Yeah, I know that Macca, but the code is stupid anyway, especially in music/venue bars where a lot of musicians wear hats/piercings/holes in jeans anyway. Chicago Rocks, (I had to go) you have pictures of BB King etc.up on the walls and it's trying desperately to be a 'hip yankee' bar....sorry no hats, no trainers, no worn jeans...typical Uk thought-train. As for people suffering through Chemo - who wants to be 'singled out' anyway, especially when the bouncers are usually the last to know of any special concessions and will walk up to the poor person, asking them to take their hat off in a crowd - 'It's alright mate, I'm allowed, I've got cancer!' Believe me, I've seen it happen and it was embarrassing as hell for that person.


Trouble causers are trouble causers, even in made to measure suits....look at George Bush. :)

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