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Under-5s damaged by sleepovers with separated fathers?

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So's subjects like history, but I wouldn't call them scientific. I'd put psychology into this bracket. Psychology is interesting in a way sociology is interesting and it fuels debate, but I wouldn't accept it's claims with the same confidence that I would scientific based subjects.


Difficult to disagree with that!


The problem is that Leach is one of the leading child development 'gurus' of our age and she is effectively alienating fathers (or, at least, the ones who have split up from their children's mother). I'm trying to work out the agenda here.

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So's subjects like history, but I wouldn't call them scientific. I'd put psychology into this bracket. Psychology is interesting in a way sociology is interesting and it fuels debate, but I wouldn't accept it's claims with the same confidence that I would scientific based subjects.


I think some psychological theories can be taken as scientific, such as classical conditioning. However, I agree, with the statement as a whole.

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Has anyone here read/watched anything by a child development/psychology 'expert' which has influenced the way they have brought up their children? I'm thinking of Tanya Byron (House of Tiny Tearaways), Gina Ford ('The Happy Little Baby Book'), Steve Biddulph (Raising Happier Children) , Leach, Dr Spock, Truby King, etc.


Or did you just follow your instincts/ the example set by your own parents?


---------- Post added 17-06-2014 at 21:02 ----------


How much of this is based on studies of a large number of children taken at random, and how much on "Some of the children I've met have been harmed ...." type of reasoning?


But even if it were based on large numbers of children, I cannot see how the conclusions about levels of happiness/security can be meaningful. There are too many other variables/factors at work, in most families.

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Has anyone here read/watched anything by a child development/psychology 'expert' which has influenced the way they have brought up their children? I'm thinking of Tanya Byron (House of Tiny Tearaways), Gina Ford ('The Happy Little Baby Book'), Steve Biddulph (Raising Happier Children) , Leach, Dr Spock, Truby King, etc.


Or did you just follow your instincts/ the example set by your own parents?


Super nanny? That's when everybody started using the naughty step.

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What's that got to do with anything!:confused:


It was a serious question! I was wondering whether Supernanny's advice is for the parent to go in a different room and ignore the Naughty One completely for 6 minutes (or however long), or to do that Tanya Byron thing where the parent gently restrains the child by putting their arms round them from behind (usually when they are having a tantrum, etc) but not speaking to them or interacting at all until the time is up.


The problem with going in a different room is that there are some kids who would not stay on the naughty step, they'd just run around and trash stuff.


We used to do the time out thing but put them in our bedroom, which was boring but safe. We'd stay the other side of the door in case they tried to escape before the minutes were up, but not talk to them. That way, attention seeking and kicking off isn't rewarded with attention of any kind.


With our youngest, I don't think a step would have worked!

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