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Tony Blair,not his fault?

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Jesus Christ you just don't see what you look like do you? He had WMDs. Had. Past tense. Hans blix ran around looking for them and couldn't find any and after we levelled large parts Iraq the Americans (and no doubt us too) spent a great deal of time and resources looking for them. They found nothing, nothing at all. Since 1988 he'd had the small matter of gulf war one hammering away at his infrastructure and then years of sanctions. He was no more a threat to the west than a stick of rhubarb. Is the world better without saddam Husain in it? Of course but bush (who still tries to tie 911 to Iraq despite zero evidence there was any) and Blair went to war over something that wasn't there and has started a chain of events that's no where near finished in Iraq and the Middle East in general.


Blair lied and covered it up. Only the most fanatical could possibly see it any other way. It was completely avoidable. You and Blair might be able look those fleeing Iraq or those servicemen who came back missing arms and legs in the eye and say the war in Iraq was right but most normal people couldn't.



Had/has ... how did you know he didn't have them when he said he didn't, just because Hussein said he didn't? And if Blair lied where is the evidence and why hasn't been disclosed?

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Had/has ... how did you know he didn't have them when he said he didn't, just because Hussein said he didn't? And if Blair lied where is the evidence and why hasn't been disclosed?


Because Han blix (pre war) and the American military ( post war) didn't find any!!!! It's like saying can I prove he didn't have a robot clone army.

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What about the 45 minute debacle that Bliar was foaming at the mouth to tell us. A blatent LIE. Bliar the epitome of a champagne socialist.




Actually, the ones being called "champaigne socialists" at the time were the ones opposing Blair's Iraq policy. So please don't insult "champagne socialists" by comparing them to Tony Blair.

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Because Han blix (pre war) and the American military ( post war) didn't find any!!!! It's like saying can I prove he didn't have a robot clone army.


That doesn't prove anything either way, now does it? How do you know he did't ship them out to Syria, who showed gas attacks a few months ago, or even to Iran?

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So how did Hussein and Chemical Ali kill all those kurds in 88? The pictures were shown on TV


They HAD chemical weapons in 1988 but didn't have them in 2003 after the first gulf war, sanctions and air strikes all well before 2003. He didn't have any in 2003 or we would have found them.

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