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Tony Blair,not his fault?

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They HAD chemical weapons in 1988 but didn't have them in 2003 after the first gulf war, sanctions and air strikes all well before 2003. He didn't have any in 2003 or we would have found them.


So you keep saying, were you there in 2003?

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So you keep saying, were you there in 2003?


No. Were you? Were you tasked with finding them? Perhaps you were with Hans blix who also said there were none. Tell you what, why don't you or tony Blair prove they had them in 2003. Proof ideally that isn't based on the say so of a taxi driver (which the dodgy dossier was based on). If you can get Blair to confirm saddam had WMDs well done. He's admitted to the contrary since. Rumsfeld admitted there were none as well. Why you feel the need to say otherwise flies in the face of all common sense - and the only reason you are saying otherwise is because it was a labour government who took us there. It's pathetic.

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Did Tony indicate who's fault it was?


Yes he did,everyone but himself,obama for pulling out too early,iraq for letting al qaeda back in when they were "defeated ",saddam was warming up for a war across the middle east etc.Saddam kept the country together no doubt about it,he just killed any opposition.

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No. Were you? Were you tasked with finding them? Perhaps you were with Hans blix who also said there were none. Tell you what, why don't you or tony Blair prove they had them in 2003. Proof ideally that isn't based on the say so of a taxi driver (which the dodgy dossier was based on). If you can get Blair to confirm saddam had WMDs well done. He's admitted to the contrary since. Rumsfeld admitted there were none as well. Why you feel the need to say otherwise flies in the face of all common sense - and the only reason you are saying otherwise is because it was a labour government who took us there. It's pathetic.


No, but I was there in 91. Hans Blix was told there were no WMD by Hussein himself and that crazy Information Minister despite him using them in the past. It’s probably realistic for Hussein to say he didn’t have them even though he did, he was playing cat and mouse remember and trying and hold off military action. All that issue with Hussein saying UN inspectors could come, then they couldn’t, then they could, then they couldn’t and so on. Once he realised airstrikes where happening he will have run them out of the country near Kurdish country that borders Turkey and Syria, where the mobile labs were.


As for Blix and Rumsfeld et al, that’s just post action speculation after the fighting had stopped. You say they didn’t find any then but that doesn’t mean he had them at the time of invasion in 2003.


So you believe what you want to believe because you've been told that by the media for whatever reason and let’s face it, you’re trying to make a political issue out of it in the run up to next year’s election.

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No, but I was there in 91. Hans Blix was told there were no WMD by Hussein himself and that crazy Information Minister despite him using them in the past. It’s probably realistic for Hussein to say he didn’t have them even though he did, he was playing cat and mouse remember and trying and hold off military action. All that issue with Hussein saying UN inspectors could come, then they couldn’t, then they could, then they couldn’t and so on. Once he realised airstrikes where happening he will have run them out of the country near Kurdish country that borders Turkey and Syria, where the mobile labs were.


As for Blix and Rumsfeld et al, that’s just post action speculation after the fighting had stopped. You say they didn’t find any then but that doesn’t mean he had them at the time of invasion in 2003.


So you believe what you want to believe because you've been told that by the media for whatever reason and let’s face it, you’re trying to make a political issue out of it in the run up to next year’s election.


Are you the only person left in Britain,that still believes a single word that comes out of Blairs mouth?:rolleyes:

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Are you the only person left in Britain,that still believes a single word that comes out of Blairs mouth?:rolleyes:


If someone with a labour rosette said it must be true. Which reminds me, I must get hold of one, I've a ton of magic beans to shift.....


What Blair did or didn't do isn't an election issue now. It was in 2005 and he still strolled it. By then it we all new it was lies, including the CIA who released a 1000 page document saying they couldn't find owt. Obviously mecky knows something they didn't which is quite a feat.

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Are you the only person left in Britain,that still believes a single word that comes out of Blairs mouth?:rolleyes:


Where did I say that?


---------- Post added 18-06-2014 at 06:32 ----------


If someone with a labour rosette said it must be true. Which reminds me, I must get hold of one, I've a ton of magic beans to shift.....


What Blair did or didn't do isn't an election issue now. It was in 2005 and he still strolled it. By then it we all new it was lies, including the CIA who released a 1000 page document saying they couldn't find owt. Obviously mecky knows something they didn't which is quite a feat.


You see? You're trying to politicise a topic

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