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Tony Blair,not his fault?

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Had/has ... how did you know he didn't have them when he said he didn't, just because Hussein said he didn't? And if Blair lied where is the evidence and why hasn't been disclosed?[/QUOTE]


Why do you think the Chillcott enquiry is so important? Why do you think it has been delayed / held back over and over again? why does it not give full disclosure with regards to Blair/Bush conversations? Why have important documents gone missing? Why does Tony Blair feel the need to publicly deny responsibility for war? Why did Dr David Kelly die?


Why is Tony Blair breaking out in a cold sweat?

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No, but I was there in 91. Hans Blix was told there were no WMD by Hussein himself and that crazy Information Minister despite him using them in the past. It’s probably realistic for Hussein to say he didn’t have them even though he did, he was playing cat and mouse remember and trying and hold off military action. All that issue with Hussein saying UN inspectors could come, then they couldn’t, then they could, then they couldn’t and so on. Once he realised airstrikes where happening he will have run them out of the country near Kurdish country that borders Turkey and Syria, where the mobile labs were.


As for Blix and Rumsfeld et al, that’s just post action speculation after the fighting had stopped. You say they didn’t find any then but that doesn’t mean he had them at the time of invasion in 2003.


So you believe what you want to believe because you've been told that by the media for whatever reason and let’s face it, you’re trying to make a political issue out of it in the run up to next year’s election.


Shame you weren't there in 2003 mecky,you could have told the dummies looking for the wmd where to look.Do you not think that anything that wasremotely to be used as a wmd would have been used for vindication of blair/bush? Nothing was found because there was nothing left to find.

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Jason Manford:


I see Tony Blair is on the news again, saying it's "bizarre" to suggest the current crisis and Jihadist insurgency in Iraq was a result of the toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003.


He said "We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that 'we' have caused this," he wrote. "We haven't."


Yeah I know “we haven’t” Tony, it was you pal. I was working at Burger King.

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