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Aircraft contrails spoiling the weather again.

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I've noticed the last few years, especially the last two or so, contrails from aircraft building up and forming cloud, sometimes almost covering the whole sky.


The first time I noticed one of these long lasting trails was about 12 years ago, I recall looking up as I was getting into my car and seeing this trail, at the time this was weird, I wished I'd seen what had left it, thinking it can't have been a regular plane or maybe one with engine trouble, or perhaps just unusual atmospheric conditions at the time.

Since then I'd see them occasionally and assumed it must be something to do with a new type of fuel or something, over the years they've become a normal sight, Id thought little about it really until day driving back home from having dropped my daughter off at school on a cloudless, bright winter morning, I noticed these contrails had bunched up just above the horizon and had begun blocking much of the sunlight.

I consider myself an observant person and previous to this had never seen it happen before. since then though gradually its become an almost daily sight. I have solar panels so tend to keep watch and am becoming quite bitter about how much power I must be losing down to these contrails alone


I work nights so perhaps will be more likely to witness it than most, a morning will start of clear blue. Then planes start criss crossing the sky leaving these trails that last for hours, slowly dissipating and converging to form a mist turning the sky a silvery blue. This then often seems to draw in natural cloud turning what was a fine morning into yet another dull day. This morning being an example of that.


It got me thinking about how this man made and surely avoidable phenomenon could and is surely is effecting the climate. Clouds after all are weather and everybody knows they effect temperature by trapping in warm air.

What surprised me most was that I'd never heard this obvious and visible effect considered as possibly responsible for a rise in the planets temperature, or mentioned at all.


Knowing I can't be the only person to have noticed this happening I did a search for 'contrails forming cloud' and came across some quite interesting theories related to this to which I'm open minded. Without doubt though it is a recognised issue somewhat ignored by our main media, and unnoticed by people in general I've found, this alone perhaps has helped propagate such theories as to why this is happening.


Anyway, I found this on NASA's website which kind of backs up what I've said about it effecting the climate.





" Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate



NASA scientists have found that cirrus clouds, formed by contrails from aircraft engine exhaust, are capable of increasing average surface temperatures enough to account for a warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994.


"This result shows the increased cirrus coverage, attributable to air traffic, could account for nearly all of the warming observed over the United States for nearly 20 years starting in 1975, but it is important to acknowledge contrails would add to and not replace any greenhouse gas effect," said Patrick Minnis, senior research scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. The study was published April 15 in the Journal of Climate. "During the same period, warming occurred in many other areas where cirrus coverage decreased or remained steady," he added.


"This study demonstrates that human activity has a visible and significant impact on cloud cover and, therefore, on climate. It indicates that contrails should be included in climate change scenarios,"


Link_ http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2004/apr/HQ_04140_clouds_climate.html


Therefore does it not make sense that by reducing the amount of contrails we can reduce greatly any impact on the climate we might have, and explain the rise in temperatures we're being told is occurring.

Contrails need certain conditions to form and should do so only at certain altitudes. By avoiding flying at these altitudes they could stop the build up of cloud.


I'd be interested to hear others opinions on this please.

Have you even noticed this happening?

Do you think its deliberate Geoengineering?...


Some people think that experiments, spraying nano sized particles of metals and chemicals into the atmosphere are being conducted with a view to reducing global warming, the theory being its for the greater good of our planet, but not necessarily our health.


Whether its happening or not yet, there are (mad) scientists proposing to do this.





" The field experiment in solar geoengineering aims to ultimately create a technology to replicate the observed effects of volcanoes that spew sulphates into the stratosphere, using sulphate aerosols to bounce sunlight back to space and decrease the temperature of the Earth.


David Keith, one of the investigators, has argued that solar geoengineering could be an inexpensive method to slow down global warming, but other scientists warn that it could have unpredictable, disastrous consequences for the Earth's weather systems"



Whether intentional or accidental this is an issue I'd like to see addressed more in the media, I feel like we are getting the blame and paying for something that isn't our fault, and could be easily stopped.

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If the atmospheric conditions at the time an aircraft flies through are not conducive for cloud formation (but do allow contrail formation), the contrail will dissipate pretty quickly.


If the conditions are suitable for cloud formation, then clouds will form anyway. The contrail may increase the rate of formation, but not the duration of the clouds.


I feel like we are getting the blame and paying for something that isn't our fault, and could be easily stopped.


If the problem is flight, then it is our fault. And how would you go about stopping it?

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I'm interested in the "surely avoidable" comment. Are you an aeronautics engineer? Or perhaps have a Phd in fluid dynamics?


No but I've got eyes and a brain, I see planes flying and not leaving contrails on the same days that others are. All it takes is to fly at an altitude where they will not form.

Contrails haven't always caused clouds, whatever they are doing different, just stop doing that.

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It's Chemtrails not Comtrials - don't you know anything???


It's from planes spraying mind-control chemicals into the atmosphere, to make us gho out and buy more stuff to support corporate cronies.


Sheffield gets hit hard as we don't spend enough money, because the Severnstone project flopped you see :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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We need more volcanic eruptions, remember how clear the skies were when those pesky volcanoes started acting up in Iceland? No wonder their banks went bust.


I do remember, it was fantastic.


It turned out to be a good thing though for Iceland, it woke them up and they forced out the bankers




---------- Post added 17-06-2014 at 15:21 ----------


Watch and listen to this presentation its about aircraft flying right now and what the future may hold.





By the way Carbon Dioxide concentration in the earth's atmosphere has exceeded 400ppm, but nobody seems

to be worrying about that.


Maybe because its nothing really to worry about.

Contrails are having a definite effect though.

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It's Chemtrails not Comtrials - don't you know anything???


It's from planes spraying mind-control chemicals into the atmosphere, to make us gho out and buy more stuff to support corporate cronies.


Sheffield gets hit hard as we don't spend enough money, because the Severnstone project flopped you see :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


The OP didn't say 'comtrails' though did he? He said 'contrails' which is correct - it's a shortened version of 'condensation trails', which accurately describes the phonomenon.

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The OP didn't say 'comtrails' though did he? He said 'contrails' which is correct - it's a shortened version of 'condensation trails', which accurately describes the phonomenon.


Cheers, in fact I notice they said comtrials not comtrails even. Got it totally wrong. Maybe its breathing all those comtrials effected their spelling.

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