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Aircraft contrails spoiling the weather again.

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I lived in Perth Scotland for the first 16 years of my life.


Scone aerodrome is just a few miles away and I saw no long lasting trails in the sky----ever.


A few contrails that last for a few seconds yes.


But not these long lasting trails that last for about an hour,no.


Best website I've found to research these trails,




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I lived in Perth Scotland for the first 16 years of my life.


Scone aerodrome is just a few miles away and I saw no long lasting trails in the sky----ever.


A few contrails that last for a few seconds yes.


But not these long lasting trails that last for about an hour,no.


Best website I've found to research these trails,





And how many jets a day used Scone aerodrome back then - none, nil, zero, zilch or nada?

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I lived in Perth Scotland for the first 16 years of my life.


Scone aerodrome is just a few miles away and I saw no long lasting trails in the sky----ever.


A few contrails that last for a few seconds yes.


But not these long lasting trails that last for about an hour,no.


Best website I've found to research these trails,




I'm no aeronautic physicist, but wouldn't planes near an aerodrome be at relatively low altitudes (ie, coming in to land or taking off)?

I would have thought probably too low to form contrails (?)

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Yes,this is the point I'm making. There should be no long lasting trails in Perth.


However I have watched video and pics from Perth and Perthshire in general with these trails covering the sky.


An obvious question is why did I not see them EVER before.


And don't tell me I didn't bother to look up at the sky cause that is none sense.

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Yes,this is the point I'm making. There should be no long lasting trails in Perth.


However I have watched video and pics from Perth and Perthshire in general with these trails covering the sky.


An obvious question is why did I not see them EVER before.


And don't tell me I didn't bother to look up at the sky cause that is none sense.


So let me get this straight..


1) You don't see any contrails near you


2) You don't think you should see any contrails near you


What are you complaining about then?

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Hopi Indian prophecy,




"Near the day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."


Mr.Booster proverb,


"Conspiracy fans will try to introduce any and all kinds of ambiguous, loose and unrelated links, coincidences, sayings and anecdotes that will probably be an attempt at distracting from the necessity to produce facts and evidence"

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There's an ancient Cree prophesy that goes …


"“Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that reciting Native American prophesies makes you sound like a right muppet."

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