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Aircraft contrails spoiling the weather again.

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No different to a car... The contrails are due to blown head gasket, a damaged cylinder head, or a cracked engine block. Don't fly with any airline that gives off contrails... Contrails are formed when planes fly through very cold, moist air and the exhausts from their engines condense into a visible vapour. Hmm Maybe not the cylinder head then. lol


Anyway... Some info for anyone interested: Here


P.S My post contains humour for those that didn't see it.


Yes that's the article i quoted in my post before. Post 26


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 14:05 ----------


I remember seeing vapour trials in the early 70s....as a small child they intrifued me a lot.


Yes I don't deny vapiur trails have always occurred I remember seeing them as well and being disappointed seeing the trail fade away and not leave a massive trail like the red arrows did.


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 14:17 ----------


You could do a quick google and find lots of pictures and some movie clips that are pre-1995 such as here:




Yes I'd come across that when looking for some. I don't deny that they can form in certain conditions, my point is that for some reason they have gone from being quite a rare phenomenon I'd not even witnessed personally until about 12 years ago, to one I see nearly everyday.

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Yes I'd come across that when looking for some. I don't deny that they can form in certain conditions, my point is that for some reason they have gone from being quite a rare phenomenon I'd not even witnessed personally until about 12 years ago, to one I see nearly everyday.


Just because you don't remember seeing them, doesn't mean they were rare. It may be a case that where you lived previous to 12 years ago was an area that didn't see much air traffic, or flight paths were changed.


I remember seeing contrails, persistent ones too, when I was at primary school nearly 30 years ago.

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Yes I'd come across that when looking for some. I don't deny that they can form in certain conditions, my point is that for some reason they have gone from being quite a rare phenomenon I'd not even witnessed personally until about 12 years ago, to one I see nearly everyday.


You don't see them nearly everyday by any means - too much cloud in this country for that to happen.


BTW you are aware that there has been something like double the number of flights from / to regional airports since 2000 - probably more round here due to Robin Hood.

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Yes that's the article i quoted in my post before. Post 26


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 14:05 ----------



Yes I don't deny vapiur trails have always occurred I remember seeing them as well and being disappointed seeing the trail fade away and not leave a massive trail like the red arrows did.


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 14:17 ----------



Yes I'd come across that when looking for some. I don't deny that they can form in certain conditions, my point is that for some reason they have gone from being quite a rare phenomenon I'd not even witnessed personally until about 12 years ago, to one I see nearly everyday.


Air traffic has increased considerably over the last few decades. Also air corridors have moved as well so some places see a lot of aircraft where previously there were few. Combine these two and it's perfectly possible that you have an apparant increase in contrails.


Myself I saw a significant decrease in contrail activity when they open Robin Hood airport, and presumably moved aircraft away as a result of thsi.

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And why would that be kept secret (and just as importantly, how).


Because of the environmental concerns. How? Official secrets act, good pay etc.


---------- Post added 22-06-2014 at 15:03 ----------


So we can agree there has been an increase anyway, still I maintain, a massive increase in the the last decade or so.

If NASA say its been a problem since 1975 then its a massive problem now. I'm glad though to see it being addressed, can' t really wish for anything more at this stage. I hope these proposed measures to reduce contrails are put into place and we don't get our weather spoiled by contrails so much.

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The official secrets act doesn't stop people talking, it just means they risk prosecution.


And can you imagine just how many people would need to know about this 'secret' project to spray something. Ground crews, airlines, scientists, pilots, co-pilots, delivery people, manufacturers, planners, and so on.

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The official secrets act doesn't stop people talking, it just means they risk prosecution.


And can you imagine just how many people would need to know about this 'secret' project to spray something. Ground crews, airlines, scientists, pilots, co-pilots, delivery people, manufacturers, planners, and so on.


I wonder how many of them have been required to sign the OSA?


I'm thinking of a number signified in cricket by a webbed footed bird.

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This morning is a good example. Clear blue sky except there is a build up of contrails already.

Yesterday was cloudy but there were no contrails, not til late evening anyway, there were some on the horizon as the sun went down.

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The official secrets act doesn't stop people talking, it just means they risk prosecution.


And can you imagine just how many people would need to know about this 'secret' project to spray something. Ground crews, airlines, scientists, pilots, co-pilots, delivery people, manufacturers, planners, and so on.


So why would they risk prosecution and losing their job etc?

"Ground crews, airlines, scientists, pilots, co-pilots, delivery people, manufacturers, planners,"


Do the military not have all that?


Anyway, my issue is with contrails not chemtrails. I don't want to get bogged down with playing chemtrailerist advocate. Its a distraction from a serious issue.

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