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Aircraft contrails spoiling the weather again.

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There are one or two examples of contrails or chemtrails showing up on films. One in 'the Italian job' (the old one) can be found on YouTube. Here...




There is a lot of disinformation out there about chemtrails, some people who think every illness they get and every tree dying is because of chemtrails. There is Geoengineering going on though, and being kept a secret.


Personally I believe they might be normal contrails but being created purposely by flying planes into areas they know will cause clouds to form. Its all part of the manmade global warming hoax. They're trying to increase the temperature to fit the story.


If you look now they are at it, filling in the blue spaces with contrails. They will use the increase in temperature it causes as data to indicate global warming.


I'd be annoyed if I was on a plane to benidorm and an evil pilot thought he'd kill a couple of hours trying to make it a bit warmer in Sheffield.

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Increased cloud cover reduces temperature though, by reflecting sunlight.


So if it's intentional, you'd think they were doing it to cool the planet, to combat global warming?

NASA claim contrails are a probable cause of global warming, though it does say they can also have a cooling effect. (In the OP)


NASA scientists have found that cirrus clouds, formed by contrails from aircraft engine exhaust, are capable of increasing average surface temperatures enough to account for a warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994."


Not that I trust NASA.

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Increased cloud cover reduces temperature though, by reflecting sunlight.


Except at night when it helps stop it radiating out into space.


---------- Post added 06-07-2014 at 17:34 ----------


So if it's intentional, you'd think they were doing it to cool the planet, to combat global warming?

NASA claim contrails are a probable cause of global warming, though it does say they can also have a cooling effect. (In the OP)


If you wanted to cool the planet, you'd want cloud cover from around sunrise and to clear around sunset. If you wanted to warm the planet you'd want it to clear around sunrise and form around sunset.


Given that qwert has been reporting the sky being clear in the morning with increasing cloud throughout the day that doesn't fit what you'd expect from a deliberate attempt to warm/cool the planet. It does fit with there being relatively little air traffic overnight and relatively more during the day.

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I'll be back on later hopefully later to address what's been said, thanks for your contributions.

But anyone, if you can look out now at the sky you'll see what I'm talking about. A large portion of the sky is covered in contrails, almost all the cloud visible at the moment, that hazy mist is all from planes.


Total nonsense.


---------- Post added 06-07-2014 at 17:43 ----------


This morning another good example. When I went out this morning at 7.30 the sky was clear other than the many contrails striping across the sky. Now, less than 2hs later the contrails have spread out causing near total cloud cover. :(


Not a good example.


The contrails did not cause the cloud cover. They are unrelated.

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Hundreds of thousands of people out in the countryside watching the Tour de France and not a "chemtrail" in the sky.


These NWO folks are a tad inefficient...............


You forgot about the red, white and blue ones left by the Red Arrows ;)

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Where's the video/film of persistent contrails prior to 2000? If that's the best a debunking site can come up with then it does little to convince me they existed before then.

Anyone can fake photos.


Question: Anyone can fake videos, so why would you trust them?


Answer: You won't, unless they appear to corroborate your 'thesis'.

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Total nonsense.


---------- Post added 06-07-2014 at 17:43 ----------



Not a good example.


The contrails did not cause the cloud cover. They are unrelated.


I can't remember which day exactly this was but if I said it was, it was.


Hundreds of thousands of people out in the countryside watching the Tour de France and not a "chemtrail" in the sky.


These NWO folks are a tad inefficient...............


I don't know about the afternoon, i went to bed but I did go to meadowhall that morning and I noticed there was a lot of contrails.


Question: Anyone can fake videos, so why would you trust them?


Answer: You won't, unless they appear to corroborate your 'thesis'.


As ive said alresdy, I mean like old episodes of Miami vice or something anything like that, sporting events previous to 2000.

I don't expect you to go searching as such, but if you happen to notice any while watching TV or film from that era 80s90s.

Even the debunker sites can only come up with two or three examples, as far as I found. A James Bond film apparently, and that one in the Italian job. (Offered as evidence of chemtrails testing in 1969)


I'm still of the mind I didn't see a persistent contrail until circa 2000, I'm certain also it wasn't because I'd just not noticed. What that means I don't know.


---------- Post added 09-07-2014 at 13:52 ----------


Except at night when it helps stop it radiating out into space.


---------- Post added 06-07-2014 at 17:34 ----------



If you wanted to cool the planet, you'd want cloud cover from around sunrise and to clear around sunset. If you wanted to warm the planet you'd want it to clear around sunrise and form around sunset.


Given that qwert has been reporting the sky being clear in the morning with increasing cloud throughout the day that doesn't fit what you'd expect from a deliberate attempt to warm/cool the planet. It does fit with there being relatively little air traffic overnight and relatively more during the day.


So why do you think NASA are saying contrails are warming the planet?


"qwert has been reporting the sky being clear in the morning with increasing cloud throughout the day"


Not exactly, they can start/stop anytime in the day. Sometimes theres no sign during the day but they start showing in the evening before sunset.

Edited by qwert
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So why do you think NASA are saying contrails are warming the planet?

Nobody is denying they have an effect. We are questioning whether they are being deliberately used to affect the planet (rather than just a side effect of air travel) and whether the increase in them is the result of anything other than there being more planes in the sky than there used to be.

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