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Avenues for help for someone under tremendous mental pressure

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I'm worried about a colleague at work who is under a lot of mental strain and wondered what help they could access. I'm sure there must be something, but I don't know who to direct them to - perhaps social services / local doctor / support groups ???


Here is the backstory


- younger brother recently committed suicide

- father suffered a stroke - is still recovering. He is almost independent, but has lost the will to live ... announced that he will starve himself to death as he has nothing to live for

- discovered their partners teenage daughter is self harming (with razor blades)


My colleague appears very very in control to the outside world, but I know inside they are crumbling. I've begged them to get help and some professional support and have suggested they go see their doctor, but is this the best route ? They seem open to support (still grieving for the brother and at a loss as to what to do about the father & teenager)


(they are not in S Yorkshire, but one of neighbouring counties)

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I think his/her GP would be a good start. A lot of GP's surgeries have counsellors attached to them. You know you could phone to speak with his GP. Obviously his GP can not give you any information about your colleague, but you are free to pass your concerns on to his GP.

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Ooof, that does sound like an awful lot to deal with at the same time, even if you're good at dealing with stuff.


If he won't go to his GP and access counselling services that way then how about directing him to the local branch of Mind, who offer free counselling (albeit with a waiting list) or Cruse, to support him through the grief process? Both are self referring, so you don't need to ask your GP to access them and indeed if you're worried about being labelled as having a mental health issue (which does worry a lot of people) your GP need never know that you've been having that support.

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oh excellent, thanks guys ... I think they hadn't really considered that they could reach out for personal support, so when we chatted they were very receptive, but we both drew blanks as to where to turn. I will pass on all the recommendations, thanks so much, really appreciate the replies.

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They definately need to speak to someone. I had a lot going on in my life last year & being a strong person just carried on, what I didnt realise was that I was putting it all to the back of my mind & not dealing with all the emotional side, last October I finally had a sort of break down, constant panic attacks, I locked myself (my head) away, I couldnt eat & went days without sleep, I thought I was in hell. The councillor on the N.H.S was fully booked for weeks, I spent every morning sat in my doctors surgery crying for help, there was non, I ended up having C.B.T councilling through work which helped a great deal, talking to a complete stranger about my problems would have been the last thing I thought I would have done, but I found myself waffling away about everything & anything & within a few weeks I started coming round, 2 months later I was back at work being my normal tormenting self. Im still suffering anxiety & probably will for a while, but sometimes (as buzby used to say) its good to talk, you can only remain strong for so long. Tell your friend to get intouch with either their G.P or The Samaritans, no one should go through what they have been through on their own. I wish them well. X

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thanks Whitewitch ... first thing this morning I gave all the suggestions above, along with links to each of the 'how we can help' sections to my colleague. I'm conscious of intruding and potentially adding to their pressure, so will give them a couple of days and the weekend to absorb the information and then gently follow up next week.

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Some help would undoutedly be good.....


Trust me, help is useful...I had a brief pause in my life when it went all really bad, probably worse than the OPs friends situation (seriously!) and Ithought I could cope....and I just about did....But now I know better I would always say talk to people who know what is what...however strong you feel you are.

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I can vouch for the Samaritans.

They are non judgemental and a certain per cent are there to give something back to society.


I'd second this.

Always there at the end of the phone.

This marvelous charity provide a wonderful service, very quietly,and should be Government funded imo.

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