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Alan Benett, 'A private Education is unfair'

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I suspect part of the difference is that in Germany calling yourself Engineer means you have an engineering degree or higher. In the UK it could well mean that you repair washing machines.


The term Engineer gets used incorrectly all the time over here. TalkTalk sent a telephone "Engineer" to my house this morning....what a joke!

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I suspect part of the difference is that in Germany calling yourself Engineer means you have an engineering degree or higher. In the UK it could well mean that you repair washing machines.


You have a point there. The business I worked in used the term for installers of systems and also the guys who serviced them.


In reality we were technicians and shouldn't have had the description applied to us.


It was, and still is, in common use throughout the industry and reflects the lack of respect I referred to.


Bearing in mind that this is a country where certain people get very upset if they are not accorded their correct title it goes to show a lack of appreciation as to how important engineers are in our lives.

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The Germans love titles and will use them wherever they have a chance, I worked with a Herr Professor Doctor Doctor Doctor. Not sure if it is entirely typical, but that is my impression :)


Looking at the overall discussion though, perhaps there is something else going on, I remember reading about this from an American philosopher when observing the welfare state in Europe: It will make people content when failure is no option, but contentment leads to entitlement and entitlement leads to the death of initiative.


Need to find who said it, tried googling it, but I think I have some of the words wrong!

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Architect is the same, in Europe it's illegal to call yourself architect without the relevant qualifications. Not so in the UK.


If engineer meant Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical and not repairer of domestic appliances, then the title would mean more.

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