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Help with Waste Plastic Recycling Unit built-up

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I would like to start business with waste plastic recycling. I looking for somebody who can help build up small recycling unit from scrap and cheap.

Project is about pyrolytic unit where waste plastic is recycled to heating oil.


I looking for business angels which want to help start production of heating oil or any other fractions like diesel or cerosine from virtually useless plastic waste. I don't ask for money but I need time for pay until recycling line will make a money.


If somebody have a landfill, I can help with reducing inputs as waste plastic can be turned to fuel used on site.


From 1000 kg of waste plastic is 800 litres of oil plus syngas used for heat recovery.

I have build small laboratory unit for testing and sample of heating oil. This unit can be used for tyres and wood or green waste as well.


If you like to help first contact can be made by email: peterkyjovsky@gmail.com

Peter Kyjovsky

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