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Café Servant – Where do we go from here?

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Aah no actually because I actually had a girlfriend so that's snided you out Haliburt.


As for the other people what have given helpful advice then really I thank you. Yeah, maybe the bird in question has just gotten nicer as a person in the past year. I'm not very good at that whole being social thing but some of those early answers has helped me. On tomorrow I'm going to do that gay banter thing with the servant first. World Cup is a good thing to talk about at the moment.


Hey lady! Great match last night.


Just something to say you know?


How did you ever get a girlfriend by calling women "birds"


Find out where she lives and burn your name in weedkiller on her lawn. That usually works.


I see you follow the gary busey guide to relationships.

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  • 3 months later...

There’s such a word as ‘banter’ and it’s what lads (sometimes women) do to each other. It’s meant to be a funny joking way of ‘ribbing’ each other. Some example are

“Your football team is crap!”

“You’ve probably eaten all the pies in that shop already so don’t have supper”

“I thought you was dead pal”

“Yeah, that’s what yer mother said last night”

You see what I mean? Sort of light hearted fun to make the days go by in a workplace and other places.

Well it’s started happening to me at a local café I go to on lunchtime from work. At first I asked for a salad and the woman said “I don’t want to make that!” but she smirked and winked like she was bantering so I knew it was just banter and not serious. Then I did a bit by saying “It’s only worth 10p that salad cos the tomatoes are rotten!”. This kept going all week (it started on Monday) and I’m going there in a bit to collect something I’ve phoned through. I feel I want to keep good banter going but am wary of going to far (I have a weird way of doing stuff sometimes). So like how far should I go with banter? When should I stop? I mean should I bring her husband into it or ask her where she lives and then rip that place apart?

When do I stop and whats OK?

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Thanks for your sayings. I just went and got my stuff (a telephone collection from work). I didn't see these in time so I ended up just saying something I now think wasn't too funny. It was something like this

She said something like "Alright love what can a get you?"

So I said something like "Well if you can be arsed you can cook me a king's banquet love!"

But she just looked confused so I said this

"Not really love just come to pick me order up from work"

And then she gave it to me.

So when leaving I thought I'd try to solve the problem but all I said was this (because I couldn't think of nothing)

"Make sure you don't get up to no mischief this weekend love!"


Am feeling pretty foolish now.

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I’ve been going to a café on my lunch breaks from work at around midday most days (Monday-Friday). I’ve been working there (in an office nearby) for about a year and it’s going well. Anyway, at first when I started going to the café the café servants didn’t know who I was. I was basically a newcomer of their café so still a bit of an alien concept to them all I guess. Anyway, I kept going there to buy lunch (e.g. jacket potato with cold-slaw, or keesh lorraine for examples). After maybe a few months she started even saying “hi” and “hello” to me when I came to the counter. It was like recognition at last! The café servant knew my face and greeted me like I was now in the inner circle thing of regulars. I felt welcome after all these months and I looked forward to going to my café now where all the servants knew me sort of (didn’t know my name obviously! At least I hope not LOL!!!).

Thing is, one of the servants has now tried to take our relationship to the next level. She said about the weekend today and this is what she said – “Anything nice for the weekend?”. At first I was shocked! I thought does she mean do I want to order any of her food for the weekend? So I said “I’ve got some food at home thanks”. But then she did clarify and said “Are you doing anything nice?”.

OK, so what I want to know is this – what is going to happen? I’ve moved from being an absolute nobody to being a welcome face to being her friend now. Where do we go from here? Will I be expected to do certain things now for example find out her birthday and buy here present? It’s nice of course but the lines are so so blurred now. Where do I stand?

Crikey, she asked you if you're doing anything nice for the weekend?

The brazen tart!


Just make sure you never go to a barber shop, they usually ask you if you're going anywhere nice this year! It's outright sexual harassment

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Crikey, she asked you if you're doing anything nice for the weekend?

The brazen tart!


Just make sure you never go to a barber shop, they usually ask you if you're going anywhere nice this year! It's outright sexual harassment


Shhh...I expected better from you. DFTT





(Don't feed the Troll"

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