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Khat reclassification

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And so they should be ,and now they can be dealt with as such , hopefully with prison sentences.


You're like a caricature in a comic. Except not funny.


I suspect you'd be less pleased if the users and importers of alcohol, or your tax free cigarettes were the targets. But then your double standards are well known.


---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 08:26 ----------


the reality is at last something is being done to stop the pandering to other cultures....its a start:thumbsup:


Do you understand what "pandering" means.


Not having banned something isn't pandering, it's just the status quo.


The Saudi's turning a blind eye to westerners drinking is pandering, since alcohol is already illegal there.


It's funny how the more right wing and bigoted someone is, the less intelligent they appear. (Actually, it's not funny, it's just an observation).

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Am I missing something? it seems ridiculous to ban something that nobody seems to consider truly dangerous when we still allow the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and the big one, - smoking. All of which kill many every year and make even more very ill.


Like I said, am I missing something?

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The people making these decisions are idiots- yet another boost for criminals and more money in their pockets.


The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs said there was insufficient evidence to ban it, Theresa May had other ideas.


Again, idiots- once again they refuse the advice of their own experts :loopy:


---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 09:12 ----------


the reality is at last something is being done to stop the pandering to other cultures....its a start:thumbsup:


Rubbish. Harm from khat is way, way, way lower than that from our cultures drugs of choice i.e. tobacco and alcohol


And whatever (if any) harm did come from khat consumption, it will definitly go up now it's illegal and the criminals who take over the trade start cutting it with toxic bulking agents as they currently do with weed.

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And so they should be ,and now they can be dealt with as such , hopefully with prison sentences.


Hopefully the importers of your smuggled tobacco will be imprisoned too... along with yourself of course for your support of international crime :)




---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 10:51 ----------


Am I missing something? it seems ridiculous to ban something that nobody seems to consider truly dangerous when we still allow the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and the big one, - smoking. All of which kill many every year and make even more very ill.


Like I said, am I missing something?


It's not you that is missing something but rather successive governments... and that something is a certain degree of rationality and a coherent drugs policy based on the relative harms of each drug.



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Am I missing something? it seems ridiculous to ban something that nobody seems to consider truly dangerous when we still allow the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and the big one, - smoking. All of which kill many every year and make even more very ill.


Like I said, am I missing something?


You may be missing the fact that the government and it's irrational "war on drugs" are utterly corrupt? Were you not aware of that?

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So very very true


Perhaps it's time to start using this as clear evidence that the govt is corrupt?


It's far from the first time they've done the polar opposite to what they own drug experts have advised- in the past the drugs in question have been the subject of decades of demonisation and disinformation, so the public have tended to not question it too much.


But now we're in an age where it takes little research to establish beyond any doubt, that the drugs the govt demonise are-


1. safer by far than the ones the govt profits from (tobacco, alcohol)


2. mainly harmfull due to being cut with toxins by criminals and unregulated, i.e. because they are illegal


Now they've bizarrely done it for khat, a drug that simply does not impact on the lives of most westeners in any way whatsoever.


I think they may have shot themselves in the foot with this one, especially if those increasing numbers of us in the know work to demonstrate this as evidence of the govts corruption/ineptness.


The whole system is rotten, from the top down

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